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Posts posted by gocards

  1. In-game name: Maximus Johnson

    -Age: 13

    -Location/Timezone: United States Central Timezone

    -How long have you played on Arma3/Asylum Hours) (Screenshot Required) : https://gyazo.com/06c0829f6913870d6ffb0cfe6fd7e596 about 1055 and about 200 asylum hours.

    -Previous gang affiliations: Not much just a group of friends a while back don't even know what it was called.

    -Why are you interested in joining Dark-Horse Military: I would like to join Dark-Horse-military becuase I think it will be a good time and also i see that you look to be controlling arms dealer and cartels which is one of my favorite aspects of asylum.

  2. Name In game: Maximus Johnson

    Age: 13

    Hours on Arma 3: 1010

    Hours on Asylum: Prabably 100-200

    Previous Gangs: I used to be in a gang, with friends I don't remember what its called.

    Preferred Weapon: MK18 I may want the Katiba depending on the position if i get accepted.

    Preferred Position: RifleMen Or assualt

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