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  1. In-game name: Alfie Age: 16 Time spent on Asylum: over the time i dont really know but over 200 hrs Previous admin action: dont believe/ remember any bans Why do you want to join us: i wanna join space turtles because you all seem like chilled guys and friendly and also cuz i can fly and shoot About you : might sound like a 12 year old but in reality im a 16 year old bitch. Been in a gang called infinite (left server) but other than that ive been in alot of good gangs on olympus. my timezone is gmt
  2. In-game Name: Alfie Age: 15 Timezone: GMT Have you ever banned before? If yes, why? yeah combat logging, when i started up playing Have you ever been in a gang before? If so, please mention the names of those gangs. Yes, Infinite Are you financially stable? im okay but can make money easy How many hours do you have on Arma 3? [Provide a screenshot] 1755 https://gyazo.com/4ffd3762e61c119d4081e1c29e61d677 How many hours do you have on Asylum aprox.? Unknown Do you have any experience with Banks/prison breaks/ federal reserves? yeah I have experience.Why do you want to join Insurgents? (50 words minimum) i would like to join insurgents because im looking for a active group of people who i can fight cartels with also fight banks and prison breaks with. im a good shot i can play close range and willing to help a team member no matter what happens ever if i will lose i will try my best to help my fellow members out.Do you have any friends in the gang? none
  3. 1. In-game name?: Alfie2. How can you benefit Pandemic?: i have a good shot, i have good knowledge of cartels, can make money for myself and can help out others if needed.3. How old are you?: 154. Do you have any current members who can vouch for you?: none5. How many hours do you have in ArmA 3?: 1755 https://gyazo.com/4ffd3762e61c119d4081e1c29e61d6776. Have you been in any previous gangs? If so, which ones?: Infinite7. Are you white-listed for the APD? If so, what rank and assigned precinct?: not APD hate the pricks
  4. -1 got kicked out of infinite on trial as didn't know anything
  5. -In-Game Name: Alfie -Age: 15 -Location/Timezone: GMT -Hours on arma 3 (Screenshot Required): https://gyazo.com/3856b2d7befedf6f3aef7ab0ba34e9a5 -Previous Gangs: none -Why are you interested in joining infinite: i have heard good things about the gang and seems like a chill bunch of players -Why should we accept you: because i have good coms and i have a okay shot also very chill
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