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Everything posted by Milan

  1. fuck your fivem economy bullshit, go play gta if you're a [Redacted]
  2. Upon accumulating 10 million Prestige, your money cap will increase by 1 million, allowing you to hold up to 11 million in the bank. This progression continues: for every additional 10 million Prestige earned, your money cap will increase by another 1 million. you guys are smoking crack
  3. admins spawned all their money before this update anyways
  4. chris is glued to this shit hahahahaha no steam gift cards please im only 19 with no bills to pay
  5. "if i combat log can you watch the briefcase" whos the real rule breakers here
  6. bunch of retarded ass cops you're delusional that you think you should be able to stop an ifrit with the spam of button on your keyboard with a cheap ass spike strip @william
  7. You can down somebody in an ifrit with any caliber weapon. I have ripped someone out of sideglass with a fucking PDW and you are telling me these cops cant learn how to rip an ifrit with normal guns?????
  8. Thanks for moving my post to denied so that nobody else can comment! It would make sense for a staff member to move it to denied because you are all career cop pussies. Spike stripping from inside of a vehicle is a incredibly stupid thing that try hard cops will do to make sure they win the chase every time. How about we make a poll asking the community if police should be able to spike strip from within police vehicles? It is an incredible dumb thing that cops can do that makes no sense. Of course the cops will be upset, because you guys pamper and baby the cops because all of the staff are cops themselves. Updates in the future should include rebel sided quality of life updates. Not just police updates how it has been in the past. Can rebels not get the same treatment as these babied cops? WHY CAN A HATCHBACK SPIKESTRIP ME GOING 280 KM/H ID APPRECIATE IF YOU DONT MOVE MY POSTS TO DENIED AFTER THE FIRST 8 HOURS If the staff only give cops updates and quality of life things this isnt going to work out. The rebels (majority of the server) will grow frustrated. The same way everybody did in v2. its funny. A member of the support team in my last post thinks he should be able to stop the engine of a $100,000 ifrit. With his $3000 hatchback sport he gets in cop and a cheap ass spike strip. This guy thinks hes obligated to be able to stop A $!00,000 IFRIT. With a simple spikestrip in his hatchback sport. No skill required. you guys are a fucking joke if you think the community would not like this update.
  9. Why would I ever be running away from a hatchback sport in a normal situation worried that its going to plop a spikestrip 10 feet infront of it while driving 160km/h? Does this not make sense to anybody else? thats its too overpowered and unrealistic?
  10. Setting up in coordination with other cops? it seems like such a try hard thing to do whenever a cop rams you and spike strips you with the press of a button. It seems super unrealistic and cops should have to plan to use spike strips ahead of time or with other officers. Getting spike stripped by a try hard cop can ruin your whole day. You should atleast have to hop out of your vehicle to use spike strips. Think of the new player experience. 97% of the time a cop uses a spike strip from a vehicle the player will not even know what happened with the current state of spike strips. this is one of those things a cry baby ass cop like @Chris Peacockwill abuse. Of course he would be against this update because he is one of the officers that abuses this. Im not sure why this guy comments negative things crying on everybodies posts? Instead of using any intelligence in any of his posts I feel like he just cries and cries into every forums post he touches.
  11. This action is not fun to play against. Should not be in the game. Cops should have to get out on foot to use spike strips. Because spike strips in any situation are fucking OP
  12. Before this wipe begins, have all the admins selected the houses they want before the wipe starts?
  13. is that the same chris that was gettiing personal with that pickle? what part of the lgbt spectrum is this guy again
  14. Milan

    Vehicle Ideas

    Adding a couple end game vehicles only obtainable via airdrop in vehicle airdrop/ event, Make SUV and Jeep Tires either not pop or pop a lot less frequently, if you hit a rock or a fence in these vehicles you are limited to driving 100kmph and hitting something annoying will make the car super slow. Nobody uses these vehicles in the current state with how the tires pop so frequently. Cops keep getting cool updates Rebel sided drones Blackfoots for rebels aswell Ghost Hawk Fed event where Rebels can fight to spawn a ghost hawk. Could be implemented in a way where it is balanced. Turn missiles off, etc.
  15. Specific mining zones for specific material, iron mine, copper mine, sand mine, diamond mine(red zone potential), etc. Also potential for specific Processors aswell. An increase in the $ for some of the materials would make the runs more worth doing for new players and even experience players would be drawn to doing something different. Keeping High and Medium Yield Quarry the same.
  16. At the 3:00 Mark there is a hidden cave that would be a perfect location for new fungi den, located south east of kavala. It would also direct new players to a pretty hidden/cool spot on altis.
  17. Tired of people camping free fire rebel. Adding a 200 meter safezone to the end of road would be nice a nice dynamic for civs
  18. region lock these motherfuckers
  19. please submit a 5 minute video from the time of the incident to proceed. nothing we can do without sufficient evidence
  20. How would 5 up and 5 down affect it if there was no capture cooldown lmao there would be constant fights; have you ever played a server other than asylum chris peecock?
  21. Proposal to make capture timers 10 minutes (5 up, 5 down) instead of 20 minutes (10 up, 10 down) and remove the 30 minute cooldown where you can't capture after capturing. Reasoning: Capturing 3 cartels in its self at the moment takes an hour, and half of those are spent afk for 20 minutes because nobody wants to fight. 10 minutes is plenty enough time for someone to come fight and since there would be no capture cooldown there would constantly be fights, making the cartels more active and alive, also giving the new players a chance to hold onto cartels for a little while before they get mopped by a bigger gang
  22. Proposal to change 100k the be max jail timer a prisoner could receieve at 25 minutes, and everything below 100k would scale with the 25 minute timer. 100k bounty would be 25 min, the same timer at which you can no longer turn yourself into prison through courthouse, 50k bounty would be 12.5 min. etc. Edit: Currently I believe 30k is the max jail timer at 25 min, which makes it unreasonably long even though you have a short bounty
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