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Everything posted by Milan

  1. region lock these motherfuckers
  2. please submit a 5 minute video from the time of the incident to proceed. nothing we can do without sufficient evidence
  3. How would 5 up and 5 down affect it if there was no capture cooldown lmao there would be constant fights; have you ever played a server other than asylum chris peecock?
  4. Proposal to make capture timers 10 minutes (5 up, 5 down) instead of 20 minutes (10 up, 10 down) and remove the 30 minute cooldown where you can't capture after capturing. Reasoning: Capturing 3 cartels in its self at the moment takes an hour, and half of those are spent afk for 20 minutes because nobody wants to fight. 10 minutes is plenty enough time for someone to come fight and since there would be no capture cooldown there would constantly be fights, making the cartels more active and alive, also giving the new players a chance to hold onto cartels for a little while before they get mopped by a bigger gang
  5. Proposal to change 100k the be max jail timer a prisoner could receieve at 25 minutes, and everything below 100k would scale with the 25 minute timer. 100k bounty would be 25 min, the same timer at which you can no longer turn yourself into prison through courthouse, 50k bounty would be 12.5 min. etc. Edit: Currently I believe 30k is the max jail timer at 25 min, which makes it unreasonably long even though you have a short bounty
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