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Everything posted by JimZeo

  1. I am offering to buy treasure maps in exchange for a commission of 50% of the treasure. Steps) 1)PM me how many maps you have 2)We figure out a meeting place 3)I take the map and find the treasure 4)I message you about how much was found and what I owe you 5)You collect your money This pays more in the long run I just don't have the cash to front right now.
  2. Currently diamonds are pathetically worthless. Can we up their value, call them blood diamonds and give them their own gathering spot? Then make them only sellable at rebel outposts. Sand should be gathered on a beach and then refined once into "silica sand" and then a second time into glass. This could then allow for an increase in value for glass. With these two changes you can remove diamonds and sand from the quarry areas all the while making them more appealing to do.
  3. Can we add some atms to the various factories on tanoa just like on altis?
  4. Please add a scroll option atm to the garage at the tanoa jail. You get shipped off there but you can't get a car because you don't have the cash to do so.
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