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****APD Policy Update 1/20/2024****

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Effective Immediately

Federal Event Changes -

National APD HQ Robbery -  Due to the nature of valuable intelligence inside, the National APD HQ will have slightly different responding policy, listed as following, officers must give a minimum of 2 lives for the main event. In the event that the vault begins to be breached, officers are to give at least an additional 2 lives and securing of the vault will supersede the federal event priority list. 

Any Civilian found in possession of APD Intelligence shall be charged for “Possession of APD Intelligence”


The Gas Mart - Sgt+ now may limit the amount of officers responding to a gas mart robbery effectively allowing other officers to maintain current patrol. If done so, the Sgt+ must respond to the event themselves to ensure that it will be secured. 

New Federal Event Order

  1. Evidence

  2. National APD HQ

  3. Mental Asylum

  4. Federal Reserve

  5. Bank of Altis

  6. Jewelry Emporium

  7. Shipping Robbery

  8. Prison

  9. Gas Mart

Jewelry Charges -

Possession of Illegal Jewels - Applies to Jewelry Emporium jewels and Counterfeit Jewels.

Possession of Illegal Antiquities - Applies to rolled gold/silver, Villains Chair, and Cruellas Bed

New Charges -

Anyone found in possession of Mead and Aged Mead shall be charged with “Possession of Illegal Liquor”

Anyone found in possession of Shepard Hide they shall be charged with “Possession of Turtle/Dog Meat”

Illegal Vehicle Disassembly has been added in-game, this will be used instead of “Money Laundering”


Illegal Areas -

Antiquities Forge now has a red zone circle, this area will be treated like any other Illegal Area.

CMR-76 -

UC Officers now have access to the CMR-76, officers are not allowed to drop the rifle to anyone without the appropriate Prestige Tier

weiwei7777, HunterB, zdeat and 4 others like this
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