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Austin M

APD Chief of Police
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Everything posted by Austin M

  1. Effective Immediately Illegal Areas 30 20 minute Cooldown for Checking Illegal Drug Areas (Processors, Fields, Dealers) Drones Drones are returning Sergeant+ will follow standard APD Drone policy
  2. That makes a lot more sense.
  3. Im sorry? Like you get a notification you have to accept to enter?
  4. The only retired ranks that keep/get anything are Captains. Retired sgts and Lts are corporal in game (expect 2-3 that get ingame sgt) Corporal doesn’t get that many toys.
  5. You can favorite it in a different order though 😢 the bottom row is the favorite row
  6. They already are a thing. Well some of them 🙂 https://my.gaming-asylum.com/leaderboard/medicexperience
  7. All I’m going to say, Chief of Police is captain it just is the admin captain title.
  8. I doubt it was a ghosthawk issue. I don’t think I personally ever pulled one for Nikolai’s. I know there was complaints of people sitting in scuba gear killing/downing people as they got in the boat. People complained when we used minigun boats. I agree it was a unique event, one I don’t think was entirely balanced. The first half I felt was civ sided since the only way for cops to push was to orca drop or suicide run up the ramp. But once the boat spawned it depended on who was on cop, Lt+ cop sided because of minigun boat civs could spawn their own just is harder, if no Lt+ was on it was civ sided.
  9. He only came up with this to justify the suit To stay on track not a super fan of straight to jail for it
  10. Since they’re not inhabitable they can only be used for storage? So basically just a stash house.
  11. I know a certain person with a 1000 Christmas gifts. Why? No idea, something about “testing” weight
  12. Austin M


    The point is that they are weak, redemption likes to fly up and shoot them down on sight.
  13. Austin M


    Im only going to include current guidebook policies and only that. Sgts only have access to the ar2 darter Lts are the ones with the copter drones Both ranks are only allowed 1 active drone at a time And they may not patrol illegal areas. I guess I will throw in that both drones can be disabled with a p07
  14. Effective Immediately Nikolai’s Compound Officers are allowed only 1 attempt on opening the vault, officers are required to secure the gate on successful or unsuccessful breaching of the vault. House Raids Lieutenants are no longer required to have an officer guard every unlocked exterior door of the house to retrieve an already downed suspect. The Lieutenant is still responsible to ensure everyone who shouldn't be in the premise is removed prior to relocking the door(s) Internal Affairs Current Unlawful home entry Not following the proper house raiding procedure. 6 points and removal from the APD Updated Unlawful home entry Not following the proper house raiding procedure. Up to 6 points and removal from the APD
  15. @JunkeIma need the nerd emoji
  16. Ahaha, is your thing deleting my post?!?
  17. Tell that to mother nature, its supposed to snow this week. But I think it was changed from rain to snow the other day to help with frame issues during some event.
  18. Every fight for a Lt+ is different, I personally don’t want to make my Lts push in a hatchback to bank to die right away before they’re allowed to pull armor. The current dynamic for most fights for us is to push into an event while out numbered and lately into RPGs as well. We do risk quite a bit to push in with an ifrit around 120k for a very small payout, even then we don’t win every single fight we pull ifrits. Just because we won’t win every fight doesn’t mean we get to be civ punching bags the rest of the time. At the end of the day we have to have fun just like you guys have to have fun.
  19. He ran out of time to format. Too much time programming.
  20. 1 chair probably wouldn’t do anything but I’m sure hundreds of them may start to cause issues.
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