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I feel like it would be an awesome idea to make rules for medics and cool new features. Possibly make it where becoming a medic you must first meet certain requirements and become white-listed just like you would as a cop. I feel as if playing as a medic is quite pointless now and no one really revives anyone unless its a Kavala pistol firefight and they only revive for the money. I think the pay should come from the tax money when a player is revived and it should be significantly more pay because they must become white-listed. Possibly have certain areas where medics can transport to another facility to come closer to where someone died at so they can revive them faster. These are all just ideas, just wanted to see what everyone thought about medics.

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My opinion on the white listing of medics, I don't think it's really necessary because It would be up to the Admins to have to conduct interviews for these medic slots, and then have medic reports if they have broken a rule which would have to be written and have guidelines, then have a Medical person who controls them, ect ect ect. Too much work. Medic in my eyes, gives new players a way to make easy money by reviving people, sometimes helping cops and rebels. It starts them off. However maybe add something so when you press 8 to notify the person you are responding, if they choose to respawn, it will notify you so you don't drive 5 km just for them not to be there.

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Good ideas, but I think you might be missing out on why the EMT role was added and what your role is as Dr. Medic.  The major job requirement that most new medics fail to realize is that it's all about your vehicles and making sure to use those vehicles (sirens on of course for safety) as a weapon against those who have wronged you and the EMT cartel.

Edited by Goldberg Attorney at Law
Nuvo, BaDaBiNg_10-8 and Carson like this
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33 minutes ago, Goldberg Attorney at Law said:

Good ideas, but I think you might be missing out on why the EMT role was added and what your role is as Dr. Medic.  The major job requirement that most new medics fail to realize is that it's all about your vehicles and making sure to use those vehicles (sirens on of course for safety) as a weapon against those who have wronged you and the EMT cartel.

Check this out for more information on Rebel, Cop, and Medic weaponry. 

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What I would like to see for medics:

  • Money paid based on distanced - People complain about medics not going 8+ km to revive them, and you know what, I am not driving that far for $800 or to find out half way the person decided to respawn. I would drive that far if the money received for reviving would be more per km traveled.
  • Medic Heli Garage/Shop in every town - I fly alot, but having to be in Kavala or any other air shop to get to those far people is difficult when I have to go far to an Air Shop.
  • Medic Hatchback (Sport) - Please! The SUV is just too slow when every second counts.
  • Fix "Pullout Unconscious" - When we finally reach the patient and find out that his vehicle is locked, it really just bums us out and wastes our time knowing we can't do anything for them. This is also another reason why we don't like to travel far. Would be awesome to see a fix or a workaround for this.
  • Medic Donor Spawn - Doesn't matter if it is for donators or not, would like to spawn in a major town a lot of people use.
  • Reduce cost of Medivac Heli garage fee - The thing takes $2200 to take out of garage. Which means I have to revive at least 3 people to start actually making money. Alot of this happens when you have a heli such as being shot out of the sky for fun or people turning on you after you revive them. If that happens, it will cost me $5000 to get a new one, and now I have to revive at least 7 more people just to break even.
Syd, Big Fred and Nuvo like this
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1 hour ago, Conflict said:

What I would like to see for medics:

  • Money paid based on distanced - People complain about medics not going 8+ km to revive them, and you know what, I am not driving that far for $800 or to find out half way the person decided to respawn. I would drive that far if the money received for reviving would be more per km traveled.
  • Medic Heli Garage/Shop in every town - I fly alot, but having to be in Kavala or any other air shop to get to those far people is difficult when I have to go far to an Air Shop.
  • Medic Hatchback (Sport) - Please! The SUV is just too slow when every second counts.
  • Fix "Pullout Unconscious" - When we finally reach the patient and find out that his vehicle is locked, it really just bums us out and wastes our time knowing we can't do anything for them. This is also another reason why we don't like to travel far. Would be awesome to see a fix or a workaround for this.
  • Medic Donor Spawn - Doesn't matter if it is for donators or not, would like to spawn in a major town a lot of people use.
  • Reduce cost of Medivac Heli garage fee - The thing takes $2200 to take out of garage. Which means I have to revive at least 3 people to start actually making money. Alot of this happens when you have a heli such as being shot out of the sky for fun or people turning on you after you revive them. If that happens, it will cost me $5000 to get a new one, and now I have to revive at least 7 more people just to break even.


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  • 2 weeks later...


On 15.4.2016 at 7:05 AM, Conflict said:

What I would like to see for medics:

  • Money paid based on distanced - People complain about medics not going 8+ km to revive them, and you know what, I am not driving that far for $800 or to find out half way the person decided to respawn. I would drive that far if the money received for reviving would be more per km traveled.
  • Medic Heli Garage/Shop in every town - I fly alot, but having to be in Kavala or any other air shop to get to those far people is difficult when I have to go far to an Air Shop.
  • Medic Hatchback (Sport) - Please! The SUV is just too slow when every second counts.
  • Fix "Pullout Unconscious" - When we finally reach the patient and find out that his vehicle is locked, it really just bums us out and wastes our time knowing we can't do anything for them. This is also another reason why we don't like to travel far. Would be awesome to see a fix or a workaround for this.
  • Medic Donor Spawn - Doesn't matter if it is for donators or not, would like to spawn in a major town a lot of people use.
  • Reduce cost of Medivac Heli garage fee - The thing takes $2200 to take out of garage. Which means I have to revive at least 3 people to start actually making money. Alot of this happens when you have a heli such as being shot out of the sky for fun or people turning on you after you revive them. If that happens, it will cost me $5000 to get a new one, and now I have to revive at least 7 more people just to break even.

I feel that medics have been left in the dark for too long. we dont ask for alot but we need change

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