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Buying Quadbikes At DPs

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The current server stability sucks, it's constantly having problems and players keep getting kicked, it's pretty common to find people stranded because of server issues, it's so frustating walking 3kms just so you don't need to suicide.

So my suggestion is adding a option to buy Quadbikes for $5.000 (more or less) in the DP signs, usually when the server crashes and you get stranded you are closer to a DP than a garage at a town, so you would have to run a lot less and not get addicted to Red Gulls
And i know you thought that placing a different spawn location for the Quadbikes in each DP will take take too much time, and i agree, so my idea is using the spawn location for the Delivery Parcel crate as the spawn for the quadbikes.
(The delivery parcel crates are the red metal crates that you can put in the back of your offroad or truck.)

massi, Bama, Garcia and 3 others like this
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