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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Garcia

  1. nem me marco, pau no cu... BlackShit no corasaun
  2. People in Brasil worship good presidents... not Obama! Ignore BlackShit
  3. Always a server have `kick` problems and stuff like this. So to solve this problem, when you get kicked and spawn far from your car, or you car disappear a bicycle would be a good `vehicle` to move to a garage or something, so you can get a car. Spawning with a bicycle in your inventory, and be like a item that you drop and it appears, and when you pick up it go back to your inventory.
  4. Yep... just bought from him because I want the big one...
  5. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70k Location (Town/DP#): Abdera Asking Price: offer Description: 600m from Spirit Distillery Pictures/Video Walk-through: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/93850391745358824/E13247CD1DCF66B696F7A9027C4A36D07EBCED92/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|1024:576&composite-to%3D*%2C*|1024%3A576&background-color=black SOLD
  6. I already told you. I am buying both houses (3 crates) close to Abdera.... Just need to sell mine, but the server is off.
  7. Already talked with him. But thanks!
  8. It was not me, but ok. And it was funny as fuck.
  9. WTB | S1 | Abdera or close HOUSES PM or post here your offer!
  10. http://plays.tv/s/L8KL0maxMEQY
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