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S2 Hacker Ruined Economy

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So S2 had a vicious attack today. The culprit spawned in millions of dollars and gave it to players. As someone who's worked hard for their money, It bothers me that these people have millions upon millions of dollars. They all have Eminent tags, and probably dozens of expensive vehicles and they didn't even work for it!

I have two questions:

  • How is Asylum going to take out all the illegal money fairly?
  • And how is Asylum going to take back all the goods bought with the illegal money? (Vehicles, Properties, etc.)


Note: I didn't not get any money from this. I'm just a concerned citizen.

Reformed Katheeri and Xehons like this
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1.  We have logs that tell us everyones EXACT money before money is given to them.  Basically reverted.

2. Some people may have bought a house within the 30 seconds to 1 minute the scripted money was put in their accounts.  Doubt it makes any difference because I will take what was in their account.  If they bought a house/vehicle I take that too.


This isnt the first time this has happened.  Takes like 2-3 minutes of clean up.  EZPZ

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