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Sir Ling Ling

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Posts posted by Sir Ling Ling

  1. 17 minutes ago, Envy said:

    Keep on dreaming the only time tanoa was full was the week after release.

    From June when released to January, it was full 14 hours a day. Maybe 8 hours during October and November. How does it hurt you if we have tanoa? You don't like the idea of hundreds of new people coming to asylum?

  2. Just now, Envy said:

    Never. it was just a place where people could free farm money. With only 10-20 people on all dooing the same stuff

    That was literally its last 2 weeks while everyone was taking finals and in school and shit. You could say the exact same about altis (so why not remove altis servers?). I was up last night and saw less than 10 people on both servers. Guess what guys, altis is a money farm!!!

    The Chemist likes this
  3. Just now, Kate said:

    Tanoa was just used as a money farm. Best thing Asylum can do is close all servers except one so it gives the illusion of a thriving community.

    Remove coke and try again. When the server had 100-110 players on it 14 hours a day (The whole summer), it was literally impossible to do coke. On a map which is smaller than altis, it would be much easier to do coke on altis as the players are 10x more spread out. If you ever did coke on tanoa you would know that there was a 100% chance of running into someone who wanted to fuck you up along the journey. 

    Saying that tanoa was a money farm is just a cop out for people who dont wanna admit it would be a nice thing to try. REMOVE COKE and it would still have a thriving community.

  4. Just now, Antoine Rockamura said:

    I would love to see Tanoa come back.

    I feel like many people bought the map within the year which it was not online. One of the dev's arguments was that no one had apex. Im just hoping that it comes back so I can spend my whole summer playing it. This map gave so many good vibes playing it, and i feel like the server was like its own community when it came out. 

  5. Been over 2 years and you are still not willing to test it out for a week or two? You have all of the files for tanoa life, what does it hurt to try it out for a short amount of time? I guarentee many will join and I have like 10 boys who I know will hop on and play the whole time. There are no other tanoa life servers right now... It would really be beneficial to be the first to add one back as it will attract many people from other servers like olympus who wanted to play tanoa but aren't able to. It would also bring back many old players who want some nostalgia. 

    Also btw: we don't need coke. nerf it to shit or do not add it, you will still see a high ass player count. Not to mention maybe people will come back to alsylum after seeing that you guys are starting to care about what others think. I know about 30 people myself who switched to olympus simply because you guys were so ignorant about the tanoa deal. With how many people wanted it back, you still gave 0 shits.

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