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Everything posted by Infamy

  1. Infamy

    H1Z1 Recruitment

    I harbor deep seated hatred for H1Z1 because of the dickheads that rule it,But if your plan is to Dickhead the Dickheads,ten i say Good Luck.
  2. Hey That's a technical foul. & possibly homicide.
  3. Jesus lord,Did anyone say they didn't ban at all? No,we were talking about the Severity,Since you don't seem to understand basic English words, se·ver·i·ty səˈverədē/ noun the fact or condition of being severe. "sentences should reflect the severity of the crime" Normally i would descend into a argument about how your mom probably stood to close to some kind of Toxic chemical or some other baby breaking thing,but this time i'm going to kindly ask you to stop quoting me so i don't have to be made aware of the obviously unaware things you post. Thank you for your cooperation in this difficult time.
  4. The discussion is about the severity (or lack thereof) of bans,Your statement added nothing to the conversation,regardless i've no inclination to continue with you after this reply.
  5. I agree with Hotwings on this,while it's not possible to be 100% neutral all the time & while i've had my fair share of staff issues,You Admins are anything but harsh,in fact i think you guys are pretty lenient,which imo is part of the problem,even with the CM Crybabies.
  6. Honestly if someone isnt putting forth the effort then why should anyone else,Sadly this is just a feature of Altis,it seems to breed this behavior.
  7. Probably for the same reason you feel the need to make a post adding nothing,No one made you click and read & since people are attempting to have a conversation on a subject here,why don't you do me a favor & go get a Ice Cream unless you actually have something valid to add. Hmk bye bye now
  8. It was as eloquent & beautiful as the Icy heart of a gorgeous woman. The entire thing is absolutely readable.
  9. 10/10 My Drunk Squad Homies they are and always will be a great example of what gangs should be.
  10. I gotta question the statement that we should message them,Wouldn't the statement mean alot more coming from the people who actually issue & deal with bans & reports? especially considering we as players can seem bias to the playerbase where as you admins are "Supposed" to be neutral? For clarification im not directing at the Admin Staff just a simple inquiry
  11. I always thought the 3 day vacation was nothing but a slap on the wrist telling people that breaking rules is only "Meh",Persoanly they should Ban someone perm for rdm/vdm and make them create a appeal.........Oh but then someone would have to read a report/appeal,excruciating.
  12. Coming from you thats like the pot calling the kettle black aint it? But im sure there wasnt enough salt here for your tastes eh?
  13. MOst pre order people are getting fucked here,their saying we can get you your codes on the 31rst,sweet the same day it closes you fuckers.
  14. Really ranger lol Im someone who personally witnissed nIckis break almost every rule in the book only to be saved by incompetence of a Certain report reviewer,so dont act like hes some kind of community pillar who's absence harms the server,he was a salty little shit who threw a temper tantrum and disconnected whenever he was killed,Was he a Hacker,Hell no,He was shit too much to be a hacker. I'd say remove me form steam if you don't like it but i see you already did lol,It's fun to be hated sometimes,almost like a sweet nectar from a supple fruit Say what you will of me,at least i took deaths like a adult instead of pulling my internet cord.
  15. Yeah cause he should take advice from a retard who follow Nickis the King of Salt,Go home Child your mom is calling.
  16. Great RP community? What crack are you smoking Dust runner? Asylum isn't & never will be Role-play anything. This is a "Initiation" server if anything. All i see this thread accomplishing is giving these people yet another excuse to flame the shit out of each other like everything else,Asylum's toxicity is so ridicules that it bleeds to other servers,people hear asylum & 7/10 times the response is about the toxicity around here. Altis is a E-Penis size up & Asylum didn't hear Rule #1 "Just the Tip" There's more hate here then in the last Feminist Rally.
  17. My Guys J Diggs & Romulus,We've had a Long Peaceful History,I'll miss you guys,Hope MoB stands strong for a long time.
  18. Totally,I used to give Plebs enough donor for a Debit card so they didn't get jacked all the time lol.
  19. Your wasting your time with that mongaloid,Trust me from experiance.
  20. https://www.facebook.com/MarvinCoronelOfficial/videos/10152364034788246/
  21. Denied, not enough experience He says hes been playing on server 5 for months,hasnt server 5 been down for months,Hmmm
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