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Swade White

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Everything posted by Swade White

  1. Still no gunsmith title and waiting to be pinned admins
  2. I think the new Asylum Exchange should get a companion app to go along with it. This app could display what is for sale and the prices of the said goods, but should not allow the sale of items and weapons restricting it to the locations on the map.
  3. Will update guide with magazine crafting.
  4. So say what if someone was able to get all the times together for EDT time zone. Would they be able to play then?
  5. So you have to be from Europe to participate?
  6. I know on some helicopters such as the Mohawk you have to crawl under it and look up to get the "Repair Vehicle" option.
  7. I added the Huron for the Lieutenants.
  8. I will be sure to update the guide as more vehicles and boats find their way to Asylum.
  9. This is a small guide and may not help many people but for those who need it, here you go! Green=Can Lift Red=Can't Lift MH-9 Hummingbird PO-30 Orca WY-55 Hellcat CH-49 Mohawk Huron (Police) Go-Kart Quadbike Rescue Boat Hatchback Hatchback (Sport) SUV Offroad Offroad (Armed) Truck Truck Boxer Ifrit Zamak (Covered) Strider
  10. Just a little detail but the Mohawk doesn't require donor level 4 anymore to craft. Me and my friend just made 2 yesterday are we are non-donors.
  11. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qG_3z2arjR8bQPs1tunxIfj9bDsqtJSRNay8d13t5Oc/edit#gid=263032643
  12. PM me your email and I'll add you to collaborate on the sheet. Thank you very much for helping!
  13. Ummm @Miss Evo would you like to help me with this? It is a bigger task than I expected. I will be sure to credit you in the post.
  14. I was just asking my friend and he said it was a good idea so I'll start them.
  15. I would say Sony Vegas just because that's my go to program for anything video related.
  16. Sorry about that, I must have got mixed up with a different gun. Guide is updated.
  17. For some reason the numbers on here are conflicting with my master copy. Looking into it now.
  18. Wait you can get banned for not having a mic or just not talking before you shot?
  19. Make sense. What did you get banned for anyway?
  20. I added the katiba from your spreadsheet and the profit seems like it's too much... Is my math wrong or is that actually how much they sell for?
  21. Thanks it will speed up my sheet a lot.
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