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Posts posted by Vexation

  1. In-Game Name: Vexation
    Hours on Arma 3 (provide screenshot): 115 Hours. Know its not a lot, but I've gained more experience through research outside the game. (If you want a screenshot for those hours I can provide it, but I think it's pretty small)
    Bank Balance (provide screenshot): $85,533 - I am awaiting compensation for two Orca Helicopters that were stolen by a cop (IKR, a cop seriously) before a server reset.
    Have you ever been banned?: All clean.
    Previous Gangs: Channel 11 News, Butthole Bandits, Channel 4 News
    Why do you want to join?: I've interacted with a couple of the Reaper members, and they've helped me out a lot. I've actually supported two Reaper members when they were engaged with cops in Kavala, in a gunfight between Reapers, Novikov Family and the cops.
    What can you bring to the gang?: Although my hours are low, from playing BF4 professionally as my team's head sniper I've been able to apply those skills to Arma 3, which has similar mechanics. I'm also a pretty good heli pilot, and have played the role of extracting many troops in military operations.
    Current members that can vouch for you: Ron Johnson, Pvt. Sam, xBonte, Voni.

  2. On 3/19/2016 at 0:48 AM, Brandon Suzelis said:

    In-Game Name: Vexation

    Any other previous names you have gone by: Papa Smurf

    Arma and Asylum Hours (approx.): 60 Hrs

    How much money in bank (screenshot): I won't lie I'm broke AF from buying gear and stuff. Like 5k in bank.

    Have you ever been Banned? If so, why? Nope, I'm clean.

    Current/Past Gangs: Channel 11 News (Disbanded)

    Do you have a Mic and Teamspeak? Yes, both.

    What can you bring to ATF? First of all, I'm a great sniper. I've actually helped two of your members before by shooting two cops that were going to give them a large bounty and confiscate their drugs or some other contraband from a rooftop about 300m away. Second of all, I'm loyal and really never give up on my team. To this date I have never left a gaming team. From Sons of Anarchy (A Professional BF4 team) to low-key Channel 11 News, I have never given up on a team until the leaders themselves disbanded them. I trust you will accept my application and allow me to prove my skills to ATF.


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