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Everything posted by AlwaysGamer

  1. Really? Awesome maybe we will do some RP together in the future!
  2. Yeah most of the time if you give shitty RP you will receive shitty RP. I've been playing as a Bounty Hunter and doing some cool RP and all of my Bounties (5 for tonight) surrendered without fighting. Give good RP and you'll receive good RP
  3. Hello people, my name is AlwaysGamer, I don't really have a fix name in game yet but I will usually go with Felix or simple first names. Anyway, I am doing a come back to the server since I played here for less than a month about a year or two ago. I left for personal reasons and because I lost interest in Arma 3 in general. I can say that I am an experienced RPer. I have about 2000 hours of RP in different RP servers in Arma 3 and over 500 hours in a Hardcore RP server in DayZ called DayZRP. I can do any type of RP from an aggressive rebel to an amazing cop, passing by the shy kid to the grumpy old men. If there is one thing that people need to remember about me is that I live by one simple rule/way of thinking : If you are good/friendly with me, I will do the same towards you maybe even more generous. But, if you try to fuck me over, I will make your life a living hell and I will do anything to fuck your day up. With that said, can't wait to see more from this community even if I heard a lot of things about how the RP is bad in here, it is something that I want to see by myself before believing it.
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