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Everything posted by TapirTot

  1. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70K Location (Town/DP#): New coke pross Asking Price: 175k Description: Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/7a97e92b83f715e347b436ec155b5c0c
  2. He still came from the windows in the video
  3. I only unlocked that one interior door thye also came form window side and no sound of door opening
  4. I am just posting this to prove he did it I know the video does not show name of who did it, I just want to prove him wrong. What I said in the video (Tell them they are getting banned) I know is not true, no proof of who it is. @Zane
  5. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: Garage Garage Size(40k/55k/60k): 60 Location (Town/DP#): Air shop south of Kavala Asking Price: 80k Description: Can spawn in at garage and take out air craft within 10 seconds Pictures/Video Walk-through https://gyazo.com/e292d16d2964cb95c9d8a59d24b7debf
  6. I love the support this video has gotten! so many good vibes!
  7. Well I am mainly looking at the dp21 house+Garage but I could go for the shed at the right price
  8. What is the lowest you would go for the industrial shed and dp 21 houses? Also if you are interested we can "Trade" houses
  9. Looking to but a shed near coke field. I you have one an are selling hit me up!
  11. What is the difference between Guardian and Normal loot creates... What loot should be expected. Which one do I want to open? Please help me.
  12. Server: 4 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House+Garage House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70k House 60k Garage Location (Town/DP#): Kavala skip Asking Price: Taking offers Description: Looking to sell together Pictures/Video Walk-through:
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