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APD Corporal
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  1. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Teddy_ in Trolling UC cops   
    i love it when a plan comes together, didnt even realize we had an uc cop in our car until we were driving out of athira , bazza buddy i think it might be a good idea to change your name going uc
  2. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by KrazyKnight in Trolling UC cops   
    Shit you not man, he got frustrated to the fact that he didn't know what to do, even though we told him on what to do. Soon as he gave up, he goes charging in group chat, "allahu akbar!" To the top of his lungs then killing himself but not us. Good times
  3. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Henry Facesmasher in Trolling UC cops   
    we followed you guys for a minute after that but we saw him stop and thought he was going to release so we just took off.
    Wish I had that part recorded, that would have been hilarious to see
  4. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by KrazyKnight in Trolling UC cops   
    I ate my own words.  
    He didn't take us far after we got  kidnapped. Didn't have a gun to pull us out and didn't know what to do with us, so he drove us into a wall as fast as he could to kill us.  Suffice to say we were stuck in cuffs alone for another ten minutes alone after that.
    This is why we can't have nice things @Bazzajack!!!!
  5. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Henry Facesmasher in Trolling UC cops   
    We put a lot of time and effort into this and it seemed to pay off in our favor.
  6. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Boris in Congratulations Donald Trump!   
    Let's see that wall getting built.
    Fuck you America, long live the queen.
  7. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Flameless in New Event?   
    So I've been a new member of Asylum servers for a few weeks now and I have noticed a few of the same Admin events here and there and they're quite fun, especially as an officer taking some time off to hop levels on a quad and blasting sirens or playing civ and cleaning toilets or having a go-cart race. I have a new suggestion, I've noticed this on many role play communities and I believe it would really be an interesting spin on the life of altis. In this event, players will engage in a role-playing event in-which one person will receive an infection to which they have  the scroll-wheel ability to bite others and spread a viral infection to which the governor (if on), the highest ranking officer, or an Admin may name (unless they wanna see creativity) that creates a canabalistic rage. A.K.A. a zombie event. As more are infected and it becomes apparent that something is of ill-matter, a news alert with the standard amber alert alarm and message will appear, warning individuals to stay in-doors or any other additives. This event could create an all out, more hectic environment (especially in kavala) that could simulate a real-world outbreak. All infected are given an alternate skin and are initiated will all. Cops may set up designated areas to protect civs and scan(search) civs to check for viral infection until it rises into the full effect in the individual in-order to prevent spread. During this, people may freely protect themselves and officers and EMS may purchase hazmat suits. Probably a little much, but I believe it would be a fantastic little surprise to altis life. 
  8. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by AegonTargaryenTv in UNDERCOVER APD ROLE SUGGESTION   

    Undercover rework 
    Apd undercover role is not working as intended and prime reason for that is the ability of civs to metagame using player list available in game to see if player name is in the apd blue slot. This makes it hard for undercover cops to use the role as it is intended…
    Put apd undercover slots in civ slots (slots we use when we want to play as civs).
    This is going to make it hard for players to metagame because the name of the undercover cop will not be among blue slots.
    Now, regular cops dont need to see undercover cops in the group and on the map at all times because undercover is posing as a civ so this would be more realistic. Every cop needs to be on teamspeak so this change would not really be a problem but it would make playing as undercover more immersive.
    Let’s say that undercover cop found a group of people and they went to do drugs and regular apd comes and engages with them. Undercover cop can be restrained and downed in order to maintain his cover so when searched by apd officer it would indicate to officer that person is a cop. If he doesnt wish to keep his cover he can just show his rank like the undercover can do now.
    Undercover role has a huge potential so investing some time into fixing it would be worth it. There was already update for undercover that went in a similar direction that got pulled back for bug fixing so devs already have a lot of work done.
    I sent this suggestion to devs but it should be here as well so we can talk about it. @Paratus @Motown @bamf
    If you want google doc of this suggestion you can find it in here
    Thank you for reading !
    Stefan (Aegon) 
  9. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Scott in Exchange phone app   
    It would be cool to see a menu on our ingame phone that shows what all we have in our mailbox
  10. USCCHRIS liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Dispatch   
    Just press 1 and it comes up
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