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Everything posted by WiIIiam

  1. I mean the moderation is a little corrupt. I was in a game the other day when one of my gang members blew up an admin and like 4 officers and god banned even though we were still initiated on them he got banned but if that happened to anyone else they wouldn’t have cared.
  2. That's true but its still dying and getting old and I've only played for about a year.
  3. I mean it is dying they got rid of server 5, 2, and soon 3.
  4. Hmm that's sounds like something a robot would say
  5. I didn't ask for a pardon, I deserved a reduced ticket Mr. Robocop
  6. First of all, what does that have to do with anything about what I said Second of all I was lethaled for no reason AND I wasn't "crying" about not getting rid of my ticket I was "Crying" because I was issued a full ticket so please don't try to pull that on me.
  7. lol why release another crate, add more things to do, more cars, more clothes, ect.
  8. Yea I get that but the Devs could fix the dying.
  9. So I recently came across a video on how this big and growing game died. That game was just like all of the servial games but there was something unique about it. Everyone loved the community and it kept growing and growing. The developers were on top of the bugs and would fix them right away. Once people started to get used to the game and do all the game had to do people started to get bored but still stuck around to see what was coming. The staff promised amazing updates and all these great things. People were waiting, and waiting for it to come and then people become tired of waiting and left, only a few people left when the toxic kids started to come into the game and then the game basically died. So the point of me saying this is not to diss Asylum because I love Asylum but I can’ see that it’s slowly dying. People are starting to leave Asylum because they want new things to work forward and I get that the developers have other things to do but I think that if they listened to the community more that it would be easier on their part. The reason I wrote all this is because I want Asylum to keep succeeding and growing. If you read this far thank you.
  10. No? It was pretty active I guess it depended on the time but every time I got on it was like 32+ people.
  11. Well I mean Asslyum life is about the roleplay, but I'm not super into it but the point it Tanoa life wasn't just a server for making money.
  12. I honestly had better roleplay back when I played Tanoa then Atlis.
  13. Not at all, the roleplay was great on the server and the map was beautiful, and yes maybe it is easy to make money it wasn't much different from Altis other than a prettier map, and a different name.
  14. We want Tanoa Life back not one person would disagree with me. I think that there should be a test run for 30 days to see if would do well, if it doesn't do well then that's that but the reason why I first started playing Asylum life is Tanoa.
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