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Everything posted by Allstarplaya

  1. You will forever be with me............
  2. This is what needs to happen to Irish....
  3. Nothing is wrong with your skins they are great and are a great addition to the asylum mission file, but in order to bring people back to asylum you have to offer them new content in regards of stuff to do on the map, not just the same things with different color variations.
  4. EVERY server is a hand holding money making server if you do it correctly, there is 30 people on the servers throughout most of the day, you would be lucky to run into one person during an entire drug run. All i am saying is give us something fresh SOME NEW CONTENT not skins and shit people don't want (aka rotolib), for the first time in asylum you can listen to the community and give us stuff that actual matters and maybe just maybe breathe some life into Asylum once again. @bamf @Gnashes
  5. What big gangs?? You mean the ones that reside in Kavala and call the gun store rebel equipment now-a-days. Kappa I know you have just come back from your temper tantrum because Olio got community manager over you, and papa bamf made a special seat at his table for you to come back, but there are no BIG GANGS anymore even on Altis.
  6. Its time to bring back a variety to Asylum, when is the release date for Asylum Malden or bring back Stratis/Tanao.....
  7. When will rotolib be removed from Taru to make them viable for the price you pay, as well as other variants of the Taru like bench and transport? I mean keep the price the same and if you are worried about them being OP if removing roto-lib make them illegal to have just like the Ifirit. (AKA make them seizable)
  8. Who makes these anymore??????????
  9. Not true lack of development on the server caused it to close down.
  10. @bamf , @Gnashes any New content on the horizon that could breathe some life into the Asylum servers?
  11. Exactly the only thing that is far and equal to all remaining players is too shut down 2 servers, wipe all houses on remaining other 2 servers COMPENSATE PEOPLE Accordingly and go from there..
  12. You all want admins and proclaim the game is dead.....Admins cannot and will never be able to put out content which is the only thing that is going to save asylum currently, that or shutting down 1 or 2 more servers to restrict the player base into less servers..
  13. So when is Malden Life coming to Asylum?????
  14. What if i wanna make that Blue meth which is better then the OG meth and sells for more? Maybe give us a new crafting bench in ours houses down the road to make better meth. Anyway today is all about........
  15. Allstarplaya


    New York Giants Baby. OBJ all the wayyyyyyyyyyy
  16. This is true venom does have his 6th kid due in a few days.....
  17. You have no idea what you are talking about..... My children are not only from Tanoa but Stratis and Australia. My bad i don't enjoy playing the same stale map for 4 and half years straight with a new content update ever six months to it............. And Widssy is a child of mine so i gotta back him..
  18. All this is, is that Cruncheddd is spreading his cancer further and further into the people of Altis...
  19. Gnashes and Bamf have one opportunity to deliver a good clean 8.0 patch to the community or the asylum community is going to continue to shrink and move to other more developed servers.
  20. Why fight is going to be over in first round Jones going to pound him like Irish's boyfriend pounds him nightly.....
  21. Still Looking for Experienced players to Join. Feel free to Apply.....
  22. I can see it nowwww Durga Admin Abuse inc....................
  23. I sold it to Monopoly Man years ago don't know if he still owns it...
  24. Depends on the server
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