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Everything posted by Kajun

  1. Not sure what your walmart looks like but that looks like an upgrade compared to mine..
  2. I'm not sure you understand English... unless you're homosexual... which is quite possible.. not saying your gay because I don't want points.. but you seem to imply that you've sucked a little dick in your life.... But you just admitted to sucking dick....
  3. Yea.. and how old are you?
  4. DaFuq..... Advanced member? Jesus fucking Christ... I've been away from the forums too long if this is what its come too.... Alright... well fuck it.... Mods... I'm returning these forums to their glory days.....
  5. Please add a BH Hunter to the list of vehicles that UC Officers can pull.. Cpl + K Thanks
  6. Kajun

    My Return

    Eptic talking about being being banned....
  7. sorry havent been around.. slit got me.
  8. I once called a Cpt. a penis.

  9. Kajun


    Delete the Arma Dll's See if that fixes it.
  10. I know you miss me and all the fun i brought into your life :(

  11. Systems Engineer - Citrix Server & Systems
  12. I found this gem last night by going to youtube and googling "Kajun VDM" to see if i could find anyone reporting me for vdm... No action Taken... Dont shoot out my engine
  13. In before "That's Exploiting" or "Way to act professional as the APD"
  14. If Bamf wanted to get really creative and make it a legal activity..... Gather Grapes, take them to the winery.. (1k$ licenses required) Stomp them similar to the mechanism at the coke field, Allow them to age similar to scotch... etc...... It would let people do it legally to try other legal activities for new players.
  15. APD: Undercover Slots and Medic Slots both get Cop Prestiege for Revives, Applying Splits, Blood Bagging and Arrests. Warrant Officers only get prestiege directly from making arrests. Examples: Warrant Officer revives someone... They get 0 Prestiege UC/Medic Revives someone .. They get 200 Prestiege Warrant Officer makes an arrest they get X Prestiege (lets say 500 in the case) UC/Medic makes an arrest they get the same 500 prestiege. Fix: Warrant Officers should receive a boost for arrests of their warrants and or receive prestiege for the same actions of the UC/Medics
  16. Very annoying bug for Civ that annoys me as a cop and often leads me to comping civs from my own account: Civ goes Wreck excivating or whatever has an entire truck full of diamonds or whatever... and a single cocane Cops search vehicle Since the cocane is in the truck it removes all inventory not just the single cocane. it removes the entire T inventory.
  17. Well on a good note.. you can still watch it in 130+ other counties... Just not the US or Uk... But yea those arent important.....
  18. Actually i'm getting the same thing in the US
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