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Everything posted by Vhantom

  1. at least u apologized ty and god bless america
  2. Vhantom

    OBS Files

    ty lol I laugh every time i look at just cause i love the gif so much, not even the words on it.
  3. Classic cadets, fking up videos lol.
  4. Vhantom

    OBS Files

    Open settings Go to broadcast settings browse file path find where you want to save your recordings then change the file type and click save.
  5. Vhantom

    OBS Files

    I have a solution for you hold on.
  6. And cops are restricted to placing objects at official checkpoints. Guidebook: "The usage of Checkpoint placable objects (such as: concrete barriers short & long, road barriers, bar gates, and road cones) shall only be used at designated checkpoints."
  7. I'm done lol. Your all just a bunch of salty rebels that think they need to outlast the cops in fights instead of escaping and that come rant on the forums when not everyone makes it out fully intact. ^exactly Combat seizing is sometimes the APDs only way to get a scratch on rebels. Anyway, this is going nowhere and I'm gone.
  8. The issue is that lethals are discouraged most of the time and with recent changes to lethal payouts less people want to lethal across all ranks. So I wouldn't expect the current policies to change because it is the APDs only way to fully disable a criminal in a firefight.
  9. If combat seizing is removed expect to see a rise in the use of lethals. When in a gun fight officers have a limited number of ways to turn the odds in their favor when out matched. Seizing weapons is a much better offer to rebels than lethaling a few to level the fight IMO. That way you keep your clothing at least versus everything.
  10. Screw you man that's me at 45 second I saw the smoke and I'm like o shit im about to be shot and then the flashbang came...
  11. The coke shed $ rn? offer 350k let me know
  12. +1 but just make it so when I place a hit on someone and all hitmen can pursue that target and hit persist through log out so there is no escape. And I would even say dont notify the person who has a hit on them just make hitmen send a message saying something like "You are my hit: prepare to die." and give them a few seconds to react. Also make a minimum amount a hit has to be like 10k+ so lowend civs don't place 1k hits just to get someone killed. Another thing could be making it so multiple hits on the same person add up.
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