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King Destroyer

APD Officer
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Posts posted by King Destroyer

  1. 6 hours ago, Wubz said:

    Wasn't in FSA when Encore was thriving, but during the encore times FSA was inactive and barely played, same thing with the Chinese the other morning, there were 20+ Chinese guys on and like 5-6 of us? The thing is, when fsa had barely anyone playing it was 5 FSA on vs. 10 latin kings, we would wipe you, then you would all respawn and get pistols and we'd kill like 3-4 of you again but you would pistol bang the rest of us and then say "rekt" in sidechat, inciting a fight.  "I would respect you guys if you actually weren't such DICKS all the time... even on cop SOME of your gang mates will treat some gangs like shit because they fight them on civ" No one gives a fuck about your respect so no one cares. I don't care what latin kings do anymore because they're a dead meme and a dead gang. 

    Bro calm down there you're gonna spill your salt, you're such a tool man xD I bet your hate is so nice to have around...i mean it's pixels in the end, the main reason I always fuck with your post is because it's so easy to piss you off...mission accomplished man, anyways love you boo :D lets hang out some day

  2. 10 minutes ago, Pentax said:

    If you can't handle the cops, well I'll suggest sometimes to just accept the loss and let your buddy be sent to jail or risk all of you going to jail. On top of that your own fault that you decided to fight right by air HQ. 2 life rule was only on precinct 2 that only corporals and higher had really to follow it, but recently that rule was removed as well.

    Removing the 2 life rule is AIDS it should be in the guidebook for precinct 2, also my buddies were doing fine cops were getting killed but there's just so many times you can win the gunfight eventually any gang stuck in a situation like that will get downed if cops keep zerging back without any tactics just merely full auto sprays with the mk20, "spawn athira,press "f" for full auto, scroll on garage, get in sport hatchback and speed back to the fight" literally could take you 50seconds if you're good at it

  3. On May 12, 2016 at 5:00 PM, Wubz said:

    We fight all morning, we win all morning. You're an absolute fucking idiot.

    the current FSA members are all dickheads who swear they're the shit but back when encore was around they would get fucked, also I saw you guys get rekt by the 911 gang at drug the other day, I don't play much anymore but when I do log on you guys win and lose fights just like everyone else and if God forbid you lose to a turf rat ohhhhh my God does side chat get on fiyaaa, also I would respect you guys if you actually weren't such DICKS all the time... even on cop SOME of your gang mates will treat some gangs like shit because they fight them on civ...when most of you will know the turf rats are pretty easy to deal with on cop unless you go all like, "oh you group chatted me that's the only way you won a 1v1 battle against me because I'm synergy you know we are top tier" lol its a game you can't expect to win all the time where's the fun in that? There's days were my mojo is right and I down every single guy I encounter on cop flawlessly without them even getting a chance to hit me once...it just makes me mad when they just don't talk at all or curse you out because no way they could get downed by a cop also a turf rat? Lmfao come on guys unless you got aimbot and esp you can lose many gunfights just be a good sport and I'll be an understanding cop because I mostly play rebel... If you're salty and can't accept you lost then you'll get the shorter end of the stick

  4. On May 12, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Ranger said:

    Fighting cops isn't fun when they come back to the fight in less than 2 minutes 5 times each.  That and when I do finally get caught due to some asshole screaming in direct chat and lagging up in the sky, I get no chance to explain anything if my bounty is more than 25k.

    Yesterday we were by air hq and cops came back over 5-6 times if not more and every single time they would return under 1 min or so just rushing from athira hq back to the fight, with so many lives they ended up getting us because we could not lock pick the guys in the cop car we were trying to save as it was a constant gunfight, one of the times they came back after being wiped they just got out and started shooting no sirens...which is complete crap because their excuse always is "well my fellow officer was killed and hasn't respawnd...no need to reinitiate" and also what happened to the 2 life rule...cops are too op when they don't even give you a chance to escape

  5. 5 hours ago, It's Ryan said:

    Lmfao no wonder why lk sucks.. They all have seizures when they try and kill people. 

    we love you too man :D also can you tell me what gang your from...ive never seen you and id love to recognize if your MLG as you sound...

    Regards- Latin kings

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