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Deputy Justin

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Deputy Justin

  1. Why is it that I click on copy image address then when i paste it, it still pastes as a link?
  2. Sorry m8 but that's not going to happen. In Rp wise you took a certain oath and are held to a higher standard than other citizens. Law breaking at that point will be unacceptable, all crimes can not be ruled out, and only having manslaughter "or a major crime" will have it taken away. There are circumstances in which we can come to understanding in certain cases/scenarios in which we can let you keep your license and/or your weapon. So you buy your $6,500 license, your job is to then take bad people to jail, not become the law breaker yourself. As I said, there are times where we can accept the situation. Hope that clears it up for you.
  3. I know it was a thread for pictures, I was going to say that I will one day, but didn't. If this really means anything to you anyways, there are quite a few people here who didn't either or used picture of some famous person.
  4. In about 2 months and a week or so I would be an Asylum/ APD member for a full year. Time flies when you're having a great time with great people. Cheers to you guys @Hubschrauber @Skyanide @Turtle @Maverick you guys have given me my great first year. Hubs, I'll be active back on precinct one hopefully sometime soon, I've gotten a bit better with flying choppers there are so many more people I would give a shoutout to but I can't even think right now.
  5. What did I just watch?
  6. When you need to take a piss in the morning while you're still in bed and you don't want to get up. You then wait until you feel like Saint Lucifer himself has clenched your bladder, and is trying to drag you to hell. Then you decide to get up and pee. (At least me)
  7. Don't forget that it's a crime to hit or punch back at a female, even though she assaults you first (U.S.) 21st century feminism at it's finest, at least here in the US.
  8. Since you want to further engage with your utter stupidity, I am going to leave it at that. Why? It is because in the end you just made yourself look really pathetic and just plain sad. Have a nice day, best of wishes to you and your crappy future. Xoxo P.S., there's a reason why I started this topic with "then this is not for you then." It also applies for those who don't care, I can post this content as long as I want. There's a reason why this subsection is called off topic.
  9. Seeing that you still want to be an uneducated, ignorant trash, I suggest that you just stop your whole act of being this image of that you're better than other people, and you are right about everything. It is very clear that you have no idea what you are even talking about in the first place, you just claimed that I said that my whole family are experts at being a brass player. To fill you in, because you might be suffering from a slight memory loss, I mentioned one person that is very talented at playing a bras instrument, my uncle. Also, I made a previous drum corps post and you felt the need to go ahead and bash on me, simply because my profile pic was about supporting our police, which had nothing to do with the drum corps post. If you really want to get in to this..hate to break it to you but DCI is a sport. Please, do yourself a favor and be a dumbs somewhere else.
  10. If you're going to talk trash then why did you bother coming on to this post and comment in it? To educate you on this, those marks on the field are there because there is a system in which on a spreadsheet, you are a dot. Every place that you are in the field is a dot. Second, the age limit in Drum Corps International is 17-21 years of age. Third, by claiming that they are all virgins just goes to show how much of a ignorant fool you are with child like qualities and thought processing. This is a well organized and well appreciated sport, supported by hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world. It is very clear to myself and others that you do not know a single thing about this highly funded organization. Also, for you to be on the APD and to show your ignorance, and just how much of child you are, you are representing yourself in a way that is ill-mannered and that is how you will be seen. You need to further educate yourself. Have a nice rest of the day.
  11. Waste of a football field? That's their field.
  12. For those of you that don't know much or anything about DCI, this post isn't for you then. So, did you guys watch the tour premiere on Thursday? Wow, quite a performance by the Bluecoats. Not sure how I feel about the Bluecoats new uniform. Doesn't really portray the "Bluecoats." I mean, it's whatever. Still, the show...wow, great use of props and the music was just awesome. Congrats to them. Also, I already know the Blue Devils show...I know someone that's close to me :-) For those of you that are interested in seeing their show, click here (It is their final run-through before the DCI tour premiere) >>>
  13. Apparently for supporting the blue it makes me two things...A) An asshole and B)A wanna be of you.....
  14. Sheepdog, the defender of the sheep (the prey) from the predator (the wolf). Metaphorical if you couldn't figure that out
  15. I just searched "badabing" on here. I did not know that was a player. Try thinking next time assholes. Not everyone knows everyone. The thin blue line represents the top part that is black (the good) separated by the blue line (the sheepdog) from the bottom half that is black (bad). I wouldn't expect for people to know that. FYI, it's not "police rules and shit." Show a little bit more respect. If you don't like what you see then you can hop off of this post and my page. Idiots.
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