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Everything posted by Elastic

  1. Is there a video or something you can link me?
  2. https://gyazo.com/96a2b6fe45eae472b991c8b6feded820 You can't even fit them on a monitor anymore there is too many
  3. How do you make your teamspeak look like it was not made in the 1990's?????
  4. In-Game Name: Ewastic Age: 10 and 1/16 Estimated Asylum Time{screenshot}: 1.3 hours https://gyazo.com/ed908bc54671f6113412ce15bd775417 Bank Balance{screenshot}: Capped https://gyazo.com/faf6c16ec26d1614f91671259e6a0398 Have you ever been banned, if so why? Yes 5 times for exploit Do you have a mic and Discord? No Current and Past Gangs? Farmersville If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave? Because I am a dedicated gang hopper Why do you want to join our gang? Because it looks like you need as many members as you can get Are you in the APD, if so, what rank? No I just hacked the forum so it looked like I was in the APD Do you know any members of our gang? no
  5. Elastic


    After $120 I finally got everything that the crate offers
  6. Elastic


    Do you recommend I stop now or keep trying?
  7. Elastic


    Yeah I was talking to a Leutenant who supposedly spent over $1000 on crates so admins just gave him coveralls. I am so scared this might happen to me I understand if it takes people over $100 to get coveralls but I have not even gotten a single helmet which is what worries me. I have only gotten the backpack and the shirts.
  8. Elastic


    Have you tried knee padding yet? Thats my next move on this.
  9. Elastic


    At this point April Fools would be me actually unlocking something because all I get is 30 cents for every justin bieber shirt I get.
  10. Elastic


    Do you accept bribes?
  11. Elastic


    Thank you for informing me about how shit luck I have.
  12. Elastic


    I have spent $90 on loot crates and I have only gotten shirts and 1 backpack. Everytime I ask anyone how much they spent for coveralls and helmet they always say $5, $10, $15, etc. Something low and that is basically why I decided to buy crates. After I drop $24 on crates and I get nothing but Justin Bieber shirts I get really depressed but at this point I am so invested in the crates that I am not sure if to stop and have the money go to waste or keep going and hopefully I will get it in the next few dollars. Apart from this, does anyone know how the chances work for loot crates? I am also very desperate at this point and willing to knee pad any admin that offers me a chance. I am expecting a lot of roasting but please save it because I already got flamed in side chat.
  13. In game name: Elastic Hours spent on Asylum. Never enough Wealth [Money]: Capped Age: 10 and 1/16 Why do you want to join our gang? you kidnap me on cop What do you bring to the Autism N Rat forces? Down Syndrome? Do you know any members of our gang? Yeah, sadly.
  14. I say this because this morning I was with another cop busting 4 vans at cocaine. We called for backup and got completely ignored and I downed 2 of them but I got shot in the leg and couldn't keep chasing them so they got away but if someone was there to back me up, that would have been a huge drug bust and a lot of fun.
  15. On talking about cops, not pointing any fingers but a lot of the time there will be 10 cops on the server, 8 of them will be in Kavala dealing with pistol bangers in their houses when there is a huge drug bust and I will call for backup but everyone is too busy giving people attempted manslaughter charges. Not saying everyone does this and Kavala can be fun SOMETIMES, but I wish people would notice things around them.
  16. I used to be super excited when they would come up, kind of still am when there hasn't been one in a while, but when most of the APD gives up because they are tired of fighting and it turns into a 4v8 and you get kidnapped for 20 minutes, you can't really say that is much fun.
  17. Exactly. In SWAT Training they don't really teach us much, just how to use SWAT appropriately and then we scrimmage but there are no tactics really shared. I wish in SWAT training they would show how to push with a strider where. I understand they do that with other trainings but not everyone attends those and it should be included in SWAT training.
  18. Not sure either, maybe increasing the time on each robbery or giving cops more options to defend it. Currently we have SWAT which can be very powerful if used right, but I have found that most SWAT leaders will drive us straight into an objective where we will all get killed and lost SWAT right away or we are RPGd from 50m from spawn and we are forced to fight with 6.5mm and tactical vests when they have CSATS and 7.62mm. Maybe allowing us to deploy more than once? I am not sure but I hope something is done where both sides can be happy.
  19. Yeah I actually love the action you get from fighting rebels and getting the satisfaction when you send them to jail or lethal them but like anything, when it happens so much and becomes really repetitive, I just want to go offline and play a different game. I am not losing or gaining money, I am buying loadouts then making the money back when I arrest someone so its like I haven't done anything even though I just finished fighting rebels for an hour. Apart from this, sometimes it is not so rewarding since they will camp HQs, take you hostage, etc. and you are forced to not only face defeat, but sit in a corner with a blindfold on for 20 minutes until they lethal you or someone cares enough to come rescue you. Long story short, I love the action in fighting banks,feds,prisons but once you do it so much it gets annoying and cops stop trying to defend them so you are left in a 4v8 situation against the rebels and they get free money by just overpowering cops.
  20. Yeah I feel what you are saying. I was online earlier and there was a Bank then right after a fed popped while there was a prison already going on. Right after we thought everything settled, another Bank came up. Sometimes I just want to patrol and check drugs but I can't when there are Banks/Feds/Prisons every 15 minutes
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