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Posts posted by MrJackintheBox

  1. 8 minutes ago, cHIP oTLE said:

    There’s MUCH better ways of making money than bounty hunting.

    There’s much better ways to have fun than bounty hunting.

    if you choose not to play due to one missing aspect of the game, that’s your decision.

    and no one gives a shit whether you wanna play or not.  So grow up and stop whining, child.

    Lmao. Dont be salty trash. Older than you I'm sure kid. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Defragments said:

    Been playing Arma 3 for 7 years now?? Since 2012?


     Sorry I was off a year. POINT is that I've been on longer than most of you. Kek. 

    1 hour ago, Lucien said:

    Are you illiterate 

    Are you the internet grammar police? O noooooooooooooooo.

  3. 2 hours ago, DonDurka said:

    Bounty hunting among other things has to be scripted back into the new V2 mission their way. We were bound to lose initial features upon the release of V2 that hasn't been a secret. It's also no secret that bounty hunting will be brought back along with many other features. These things take time, they rewrote a mission file from the ground up this was no hot fix. They fixed server / mission file stability which could not be accomplished any other way. Server stability drove the population away from Asylum.

    This is the long game, no one is thinking that population will come back or all of the features will be brought back in a week or 2. You act and talk like you think they're purposely taking out features because they no longer want to incorporate them which is so far from the truth I don't even think your complaint is valid.

    Hmmm just seems like you are with all the rebels yelling nerf and delete. But I guess that's what happens when you get outplayed. Been playing for over 7 years now. So I've been around and this community does dumb shit so yeah my point is valid. 

  4. Bring back bounty hunting...all you are doing is losing player base, by taking things out. Funny how when I started playing on your servers there was 5. Lol now you are down to 2.

    On 8/14/2019 at 7:11 PM, Lambo said:

    Do you actually not understand what I'm getting at? Why ask us for feedback if you are just going to determine everything by yourself anyways, no wonder this server is dead as fuck lol.

    And it will continue to die.

    On 8/11/2019 at 3:28 AM, Azeh said:

    Bugs and rulebreakers aside, what are some things you dislike about V2? What can be improved?
    If you could pick one missing feature that should be added ASAP, what would it be?

    Hmmm stop taking things away...like bounty hunting maybe. 

  5. To be honest if you take away bounty hunting you need to take out the RP part in your server names. Bounty hunting is a way of life like any other role on the servers (cop, civ, rebel, terrorist  organizations, ect.....) You are now just pandering to the rebel side and turning your game into another PUBG type game. No thank you. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, BlackShot said:

    From what I could notice, these are the main issues and they can all be addressed:

    - Restrict 5.56 rifles access to skip tracer and increase their prices.
    - Increase price of Hunter and/or let it be unlocked via BH honor tree only.
    - Reconsider pilot coveralls.

    - Increase minimum bounty price to something between 15-25k. That wouldn't punish self-defense cases and allows time to pay off bounties (courthouse or cop ticket).

    - Increase BH license price by at least 200-300% (but perhaps don't make it so rebel license replaces it, just add a cooldown on switching them).
    - Cops are *required* to seize Bounty Hunters licenses if: they kidnap cops or civs OR they down a civ who doesn't have a bounty, isn't armed and charge is prested.
     (Cop vs. BH policy could be better discussed. Just some ideas to make it less worth for Bounty Hunters to abuse their powers.)

    Sad day for bounty hunters. rebels get everything I guess. 

    Revenant likes this
  7. 6 minutes ago, Kawaii said:

    +1000. I don't think BH should be totally removed as it has its place in Asylum, but it was made far too strong and unfair to be fun for all parties involved. The honor trees were relatively balanced, but having coveralls and MX's and the ability to buy Carrier's at skip really pushed it way over the edge. Seeing it come back close to how it was without those things and a higher minimum bounty to start chasing would probably be the best start. 

    Lmao of course you say nerf them more. So much hate cause you get outplayed. Yet funny how your bullets can go through walls. And still cry to nerf and take body armor. 

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