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Everything posted by Dredge

  1. This! ^^ You never know when that 2 dollar ticket is going to lead to a chase and a hatch full of meth lol. Having the $2 bounties gives APD reason to initiate RP with players. Why should only people with large bounties have a chance to interact with the police? Being pulled over for speeding tickets and dealing with the officers was actually what made me want to apply. It was a great RP interaction.
  2. Why would you want to remove a good RP point? I love to do traffic stops and explain speeding tickets. It makes it fun. Its not just banks and high bounty chasing leading to a shootout. I get some pretty funny stories from it too.
  3. Ah gotcha. I was trying to remember the numbers off the top of my head. I just always bought the 150k's so i am unsure of the smaller stuffz
  4. Only holds 2 after the patch? I thought it was 2 to begin with and now can hold 3 post patch
  5. Max amount in each barrel? 66.
  6. Damn. I guess I just play too much. "Eh its only been an hour i can go for a couple more". Explains why im on till 4am most days haha
  7. We are gonna find dead bodies surrounded by axes and red gull lmfao
  8. My God man, have you thought of how bad that would make Kavala square!? lol. Axe murderers everywhere
  9. Its like an hour and change isn't it? The way we figured it was a full barrel would get you 66 fully aged Scotch in roughly 6 hours (given that only 20 age at a time)
  10. Stupid forum wouldn't let me post without quoting Vulcan for some reason. https://gyazo.com/173b875e4db10162b4290e59a24726ef This is aging while I was offline. You do not need to be online to age it. Might want to add that to the OP
  11. Nope. Just checked mine, have been offline since I put it all in. Works while you are offline https://gyazo.com/173b875e4db10162b4290e59a24726ef
  12. Its in the patch notes. However many it could hold before, add one more
  13. It is one more than it used to be. 70k - 2 120k - 3 150k - 3 220k - 3 Shed - 2 (I'm trying to recall the numbers but I could be wrong)
  14. If it could hold 1 before now it can hold 2 if I read and understood the patch notes correctly.
  15. Yeast is available in the Market where you buy apples and such
  16. I thought about doing 3 barrels, but I decided to do a storage crate instead. So I can collect and store at my leisure
  17. I think any house that can have crates can have kegs. And im testing the logged out thing right now lol. Have 2 gets full of scotch going
  18. He did that to us too. We caught him in the act though, so it didnt end well for him haha
  19. I have been enjoying it but like was mentioned thick skin is a must. And be ready to get shot/shot at a lot. Word of advice though, when talking with players in a city make sure you are aware of your surroundings and are keeping the other players back. Nothing worse than trying to deal with a ticket and being pistol banged from behind
  20. I use Vegas Pro for all my edits. I love it! No, Adobe is never free lol. Just like Apple
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