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Mike Stmria

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Everything posted by Mike Stmria

  1. You didn't post which server, I need em at server 2.
  2. Need a Good stock of Rahims, talking about 10, name prices pls
  3. When marking the map put your mouse top of the marker, hold shift and up and down to change colors or ctrl to change shapes
  4. I think you can only pull out EMT Helis on Kavala, don't remember this well but when I tried to pull out one at the aire field it didn't gave me the option.
  5. You need to post a video of the previous 5 minutes before it happened in the comp request section.
  6. I've been here for a while and I think it's time to introduce myself. I'm Mike and im from Mexico (sorry for my bad spelling) I've been playing Asylum for like 2 months now. I love to RP, even when there's a lot of people not willing to, and thats why I became a Cop. Right now I'm a Constable, but planning to go as a "carreer cop". I work as a Fashion Photographer and also in a family factory that makes industrial spare parts. So... Lets have fun and kill some... one *Potato aim FTW* PD: Decent Pilot. Worst Driver.
  7. Make sure you understand the server rules and the guides, then apply and you will have a lot of fun. Most awsome way to roleplay.
  8. That was it, but the thread is intended to share some tips that people may not know, as for example having a key that lets you go out of the car without using the scroll wheel, or how to se player names that are at a far distance using the tilde button.
  9. Ok so I want to know some things like how to text someone without taking the phone out. Maybe there will be some people that can give us some tips of game controls or shortcuts etc. Thanks for the help and hope everyone writes one tip here.
  10. There's another spot bear Pyrgos, but the best one is Kavala I think, you can get lock picks, zippies, cocaine, processed oil, gold and silver doubloon, silver piece, pearls, rubies and flawless diamonds. I will recomend going with an off road, load up till ful and sell everything. Jewels at the jewellery and oil at commodities trader. Each trip will give you around 20k. The only thing you may worries about is getting your car robbed, park it near the shore and put an alarm system on it so you listen if someone is trying to lock pick. Also I recommend having the talent point. With it, it takes you about 3-5 minutes to finish excavating so it doesn't get that boring. If you want more help don't hesitate on sending me a message.
  11. Thanks I will look for a tutorial on OBS recording, I got AMD
  12. I need your help guys, I have been trying to record with Plays.tv but it records other games but not Arma, can you suggest me some other programmes that I can record with. Thnaks!
  13. I also think that adrenaline shots are used to get back someone unconsious back again faster ( poeple that has been down by rubber bullets) and If you want to increase your EMT experience you can hop into the TeamSpeak channel assigned to EMT's, Haven't been there but probably you will find someone there. ts3.gaming-asylum.com:9216
  14. I need an Industrial Shed near Cocaine Field and one near DP 22 If any one has one I will love to hear from you and make a Deal
  15. Thanks, and what you do with all the money, buy houses and Stuff?
  16. This is a dumb question but I need to ask. What's the money limit that I can have in my Bank Account. Thanks.
  17. Change the interface size to a smaller one I would tell
  18. Going into a town as cop is really hard. As soon as you turn sirens on you receive a rain of f***** bullets coming from each window and store available. People don't like cops at all, actually I know some people that their main fun is killing cops, and they do as much as they can to look and pursue cops just to kill them. It shouldn't be implemented a life limit.
  19. I can have Thalia for me. NP with that.
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