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John Adams

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Everything posted by John Adams

  1. John Adams


    Cheap Realestate 1.1KM From Coke Field 3.2KM From Athira Drug Dealer Contains: 50+ Rubber RedGulls Everything for Organ Harvesting 300+ Unpro Coke 20+ Zip-ties 5 ATM Cards 3 Crystal Meth(From Admin Gift) Etc. Going Bid 500k$
  2. Mere Fact i own the one next to that one and 3 butt fucking Rebel I'm set. Ill just stick with robbing fed from here on out bub
  3. Nah. Farmers the victim here. Bag idk why Maybe its your profile pic but i feel like I've hated you from all my Prev Life Cycles and somehow followed me into this life. gg
  4. It was already reported and being fixed. you deleting your discord convos wont help yah. And those links don't bring me to The Base Price AI Home Market. Like 40k homes 150k etc. Not interested in your shit houses you and your member own. But don't worry. while you guys whine n reply I'm getting the reports out. I got a stack. But yea please Play Dumb. Act like you don't know what I'm talking about cause your really gonna need it after i make y'all look like some sweaty lolipop sucking 4 year olds Especially Since Bags grades are shit. Good day and goodnight.
  5. mmm Okie bub. and you still have not validated my point yet. seems like you keep avoiding it. No Link to an Online feature for (Base Price Homes) Realestate...... - If I'm a "Trumpie" for Filing a report against someone who has used a Duping Glitch and using a staff member for his own personal gain, Then Sign me up. +1 Trump Supporter. #Ended
  6. You're as dumb as you Type. No Online Link to View "Non Player Sold Houses" (Base Price) And it isn't an In-game Feature due to the fact you can't view Houses not being sold by an In-game player. making all Base Price Houses Invisible. Glad you guys keep replying confirming you guys are sweating over this report of the fact i got this evidence in a week before December. Just funny how Ifirit or Even The Developers don't know about this 4 year long Money operation. This shit would have gotten me a Perm Ban within the first week if i ever tried it. But you'll see. Just Remember "the Devs wont catch us" "Whys That?" "cause we own them" Many more Recordings like that so on and so forth. Keep sweating boys. We're still watching you
  7. Please send me the link where it shows all Base Price Houses for sale in Asylum............
  8. Less Money actually. seeing how once its implemented I will be following a report of your Admin "Friend" who tells you about the base price houses available. And yes i already have many witnesses and they all have recordings of you saying so. But enough about your future Admins Ban and yours lets talk about the Update. I've already spoke with some people about making it so one person can own a shed at a time. making the Hogging go down by a mere 38%. If you'd like to know more about the Ban i will be reporting you can msg me on discord.
  9. You do know people can own upto 5 houses right? There isn't enough realestate. But Farmer Steve with his 3-11mil house sales would absolutely hate this Idea. Only People in a powerful position that it effects them will hate this Post. Code Broken.
  10. If you Can't join the Server cause its Full you don't have to play it. Have a Wonderful Night!
  11. I don't Care WTF Your Race is I think its Racist AF Just bringing up SKIN Color In the first place
  12. How about you just Spam "Enter" to join like the rest of us. Making Minority Slots? Upmost racist thing I've seen all day. How about you get the Minority a PC First. Or maybe Out of Poverty First. Just a thought.....
  13. I love how 78% of the community whine about the Devs not interested in Player ideas. But once one is becoming interested by them we all shit on it. Adding in sheds that can spawn in Big rig vehicles is a Plus But the mere Fact People can own 5 houses Max it doesn't make you a bit sus That we will run out of houses for new people to buy? Sure Market for Player sold houses will implode. But only for Sheds and for 1 week, From the effort of the money hungry and Shed Sleepers that can pull off making it outrageously Pricey Again.
  14. Make the Broken Industrial Sheds usable but make them 2 craters due to no walls on it. You can pull vehicles in and out with no Bugs or glitch's. And they take up 68% of Altis Industrial Propertys. You'd be a fool not to want this implemented. (I've already scaled and counted how many sheds are in Altis in total and there are believe it or not MORE Broken sheds than Built Sheds.
  15. Great Idea. But i think just adding more cartels that make money off of more illegal stuff would work out. Maybe make them tax Legal jobs idk. Change it up see how people feel
  16. Been spamming all night to get into server 1 -1 from me
  17. Hope the Devs do something with the top left soon especially if S2 Is going down in 2-3 months
  18. 25% of DS Came from Olympus And same with IRA (The group I'm in. prob 20-25 guys active) Every group of noobs i find doing diamonds or coke i ask them if they played olympus o see if im dealing with prev pros. they 70% of the time say they came from olympus cause its dying. Plus idk if any of you were on lastnight but Finals weekend is butchering all the servers
  19. Mmmmm making it harder for people who dont play PoopRim. XD 10/10 But looks ass. How the lock turning? You got no screwdriver or 2nd base pin. Illuminate in my eyes
  20. Due to the fact most Olympus Gangs are moving to S2 Recently due to Olympus Staff issues rn. seems like a good idea. I'm on board
  21. Hell adding a town you cant spawn at up there would still be useful. have spawning up there in S1 At my shack and not being able to get a car. It just looks boring with the top left untouched Need more stuff to do in game honestly. More locations to explore
  22. The amount of towns you can spawn at is cool and all but that top left part has alot of potential. even if uranium was moved up there at dump or something idk. Its a good idea to at-least put something up there for more activity in the Whole map instead of ppl bunching up on Mats and killing freshy's I couldn't Agree more. Something illegal needs to be up there. Pygros is a jam of mats and just KOS All around. would be a lift off ppls backs if they didn't have to deal with so many Red zones nearby.
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