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Everything posted by Nikolaj.

  1. press c 2 times pretty fast and aim higher, please. * Also turn off adaptive crosshair by going Configue>game>adaptive crosshair>off Also turn off head bob Configure>game>head bob>off
  2. blud doesnt know what racism is, xenophobia is what this is. But yes i definitely agree that this whole post is just bs icl all the Crimson freaks (which i believe is your gang) doesnt witchhunt anyone, but rather everyone. I have yet to have a Crimson member accept comp for accidents and just want people banned, couldn't tell you why they want the whole server banned
  3. bro just let them be wtf, they might be annoying asl to play on but it just is what it is man, everyone is allowed to play
  4. turn ur dpi down to 1000 bucko, even 1000 is high but i swear you're playing like a school teacher with 16000 dpi
  5. who chose this music tf, good tage just cant watch past 30 sec, boutta fall asleep to this 432mhz music
  6. I've been banned for a joke but hopefully an admin sees my side of the story or gives me a pc check or something, untill then enjoy my last fraggie for a while. 4 months of grinding to become good just to get banned over a joke, love it!
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