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Everything posted by TeamSix

  1. all liquor items can be crafted at the mobile distillery but all mobile would be consider ileagle vehicles which could only be obtain from spirt itself or at black market production with the use of iron copper and rubber. if processed at spirt instead of whiskey moonshine ect you would get a high proof item of that item which when used with water would create a normal liquor that you would normally get but more like 1 high proof +1 water would make it 2 of alcoholic item and could be adjusted to maintain a balance. white lightning and other items could be created in house when using aging barrels. I would also say all distillery trucks that are currently in game would be removed and comp for value also would increase the value of the mobile to be more of an high value target for people to rob like 25-40k. spirt I would say should have a system if cops are nearby and when they raid it there should be a way to destroy / pause production of the operation it would require people to bring material to fix the still and to process. which could also make it so people who do fix it take a small tax as a fixing fee. almost like its own turf that's more of a swap anytime its broken / raided. also adding the random movement of spirt so its not in the same place evetime like would make it more incline to process there if you dont have the spawn you can always process with a mobile to get the materials ready from when it spawn near you if your incline to process at spirt
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