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  1. Hey OP you got a valid point i had a feeling the pay out could be tweaked abit. It bothers me that i make more money safely excavating then the overly more dangerous pure diamond Zamak transport(600 weight) run. Excavating: 2HOUR 15MIN avg: 90K (only oil, ruby, pearl and perfect diamond) Zamak transport diamond only run: 45min avg: 28k The odds lie in heavy favor for excavating cause it's so save, can be performed anytime of the day and can afk more. I must be really high on weed to attempt a diamond run when the server is busy, kiss your zamak goodbye bro.
  2. I had this problem 2 days ago! I filed a compensation request for the whole house i bought thinking it was a bugged bouse. Turns out you can place them after a server restart once it starts saying: cannot place anymore ontainers at this time. At least that was the case for me.
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