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Everything posted by LoganPlays

  1. ofc not ranking candidates on net worth, just interesting to add on. I could write a mini-thesis on why bernie is such a shit candidate but I don't feel like it
  2. ... small increases..? he said that a 90% income tax wasn't unreasonable. trumps wall would cost only a few billion and would pay itself back in the amount of lesser deportation force needed on the border in a short amount of time. Bernie is willing to spend trillions and trillions of dollars on trivial shit like free college and paid holidays.. bernie is one of the economically retarded candidates. he has earned over 100k a year for decades and is only worth ~300k estimated today.
  3. Trump is going to win, Bernie is going to run independent and split the vote and if he doesn't it will be a close Trump victory. Hillary is unelectable.
  4. If server goes 1st person locked then the server will be too niche to ever catch on. Too hardcore for the casuals on Asylum, not enough RP for the hardcore fans on Lakeside.
  5. i7 6700k 16 gb ram any mobo gtx 970
  6. also money is really low rn, havent been doing the hemtt runs i usually do ( i was at 500k very recently, lost a chunk to an orca crashing as well as just regular chipping away of rebelling up )
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