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Everything posted by TheRealLethal

  1. um i can neither confirm nor deny that i already have one xD
  2. heres the original if you missed it.
  3. well, i have no idea how to format audio recordings. Like i looked into it, and its all like.bik format. whatever that is
  4. increase the nade prices as much as you want. you seem to forget we have fuck you money
  5. I have looked for something like this for so long. Sadly nothing like that exists. I wonder if the old sound files are still in the game. If so, it wouldn't be hard to make one.
  6. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23899 put the folder in your arma directory
  7. i logged on one time to move some money, and i say like 36 of them. I felt very bad for you guys
  8. oh ok. let me know when you find out. Honestly i just want a soundmod that reverts all guns to the old sounds. The old mk18 sound is great.
  9. dude. i tried using it awhile back, and the only one i got to work sounded like literal ass
  10. yes, yes it is. As far as i am aware i have the only remaining one. I had 3 but my boy james bong bought a few and promptly crashed into a pole.
  11. servers crash way too much. but fps is sooo much better on .60
  12. 6600k or 6700k are the best bang for buck right now.
  13. holy shit. Turn your fov back to normal. May as well put a red dot on with that fov...
  14. Well that needs to be fixed. And you can also exploit the way i said. I watched someone do it
  15. well thats not right either. swat is still a one life thing right? but people are syncing with the swat gear and then pressing regear to get the gear back every time.
  16. Not a huge deal but cops are exploiting swat with the new regear feature. They are syncing with the swat load out and simply pressing regear and getting the load out again. @KBW @bamf like I said, not a huge deal. But still a bug. Killed the same swat guy 5 times in a row yesterday
  17. , and sell processed diamonds for money with my RL brother Odin.
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