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  1. Thanks to both of ya for the welcome! I do have one question. I just wanted to have the teamspeak handy but in my sleepy state I can't seem to find it. I found a link on the main page but it just leads to here http://www.gaming-asylum.com/# Could I please get the details? Thanks! Thanks! Thanks man, sorry I didn't get on that night and haven't been able to get on for awhile, hope to run into ya. I remember than lol, and I just realized you were on my friends list lol.
  2. Thanks to both of ya for the welcome! I do have one question. I just wanted to have the teamspeak handy but in my sleepy state I can't seem to find it. I found a link on the main page but it just leads to here http://www.gaming-asylum.com/# Could I please get the details? Thanks!
  3. Hey all, After much delay I thought I'd check this mod out. Few friends play it and I'm sure I'll run across people I've played with back in the Hostile Takeover Altis Life a few years ago. Really can't wait to get back into the RP type of thing. Been playing a lot of Breaking Point lately and the SOCOM mod for Insurgency. This is probably the blandest intro ever, but I save my creativity for in game! I checked out another site, but it seems you have to do an interview just to play as a civ. Really hope that's not the case here. I'll hopefully have a few friends joining up as well. So yeah, nice to meet y'all, hope to see ya in game soon.
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