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Le Ligma

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Le Ligma

  1. Initiation is required for the police when they're chasing someone, and every cop dies. That's why most times you'll see a cop chasing in a heli not doing anything. It's to keep initiation. The 5 minute rule is the general rule that applies to all players of asylum. Cops must re-initiate if every cop at the scene dies. Civilians, it's a another story. It's seems it's a bit of a grey area.
  2. Don't we already have a super cadet? Cadet hardick isn't it?
  3. Did one full load With HEMTT, only profited enough to cover the HEMTT(51k) + 20k. 100k is just too good to be true. 150k is just a dream.
  4. That's an awesome joke. Considering any bounty you catch always logs.
  5. In-game Name: Ludius Age: 21 Timezone: Alaska Have you ever banned before? If yes, why? Can't recall any bans atm. Although for sure none within the past year or so. Have you ever been in a gang before? If so, please mention the names of those gangs. They've all been disbanded Are you financially stable? Yes How many hours do you have on Arma 3? How many hours do you have on Asylum aprox.? Over 100Do you have any experience with Banks/prison breaks/ federal reserves? yesWhy do you want to join Insurgents? (100 words minimum) I been looking for a gang to join and play constantly with. Previous gangs I've had pleasure of being apart of, have disbanded. Players stopped playing on the servers and moved onto other games. I'm a great driver and a decent shot, but I hold most of my pride as a skillful pilot. Coming from my own real life skills as one. I'm looking forward to the chance to demonstrate my skills on mission. I'm hoping that I can become a valued member of Insurgents for the sole reason of having people I can play with. For the past weeks since I've returned to Asylum, I've been on my own. It would be nice to have a group to wreck havoc with again.Do you have any friends in the gang? NO
  6. In-Game Name- Ludius Age- 21 Arma Hours(Screenshot)- Banked Money- 100k Have you ever been Banned?- Not to my memory. Current/Past Gangs- Been in a number of Gangs. They've all since disbanded. Do you have a Mic/Teamspeak?- Yes What's your interest in joining Drunk Squad?- Remember see a couple of your members when you guys were just 3 people. Fun times with Requiem. That was if I remember correctly little over a year ago.
  7. I'm having a problem with that. I click on "My Asylum" on the main page, and it just says there's not character data from my IP address. Even though I've been playing on the servers for the past 2 days. I haven't played in a couple months, I had to create a new forum account. My ID is -Snip, under the name ludius.
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