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Donald J. Trump

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Posts posted by Donald J. Trump

  1. 2 hours ago, eric91611 said:

    As far as being condescending, I am just smart if you feel condescension it's purely your perspective. People like you tend to feel intimidated when trying to have an intelligent conversation with people that are smarter than them.

    And I really did bully many kids unfortunately, the kid I almost choke to death was Kenny Gilespi and it was in the 3rd grade at Crestmont Elementary. I don't know about you but I have lived a full life with many experiences and I don't need to make things up to prove a point. Makes me wonder about your point of view now though that's for sure.

    "i am just smart". Smart people know how to present an argument instead of constantly spamming ad hominems, buddy. Now, go back to cleaning my toilets

  2. 8 minutes ago, eric91611 said:

    Lol like how i used abortion to appeal to your conservative sensibilities ;) 
    Here's the synopsis for those of you who don't want to read his whole comment: "Your right Eric I cannot support bullying but i'll try my damndest" lol

    I don't think there is negatives of anti bullying period. i used to be a terrible bully as a kid, now i'm 27 and I feel horrible about it now. i wish someone would have told me what a lil fuckin asshole i was and that it was wrong.. and then I almost killed a kid cuz I choked him for sooooooooooooo long he passed out...(and that was last week!) bullying is wrong :( 

    More ad hominems haha.

    I love how you are making up stories in order to make people think bullying is always some evil shit.

    The are positives of bullying, lots of studies has been done to prove it......as I listed one above...

    there are negatives of anti-bullying: As I already listed.

    I love how you try so hard to sound like some kind of condescending intellectual yet your only argument is a bunch of made up anecdotal evidence and denying basic facts.


    OH wait....you are from Commiefornia, Sacramento at that...Kek



    You are a moron who cannot come up with any argument, so you deny everything. 

  3. Just now, eric91611 said:

    I can't disagree with everything you say you make some valid points.

    But there is no place for bullying. no one should bully and no one should support it; however, there are still assholes out there and the is the cold hard truth is the world is a terrible terrible place with cruelty in life and even in nature. You don't support it though just because it exists? i don't support abortion but it still exists. what do you think?

    Abortion is murder, but, that is another topic.

    I am not pro-bullying, nor, am I anti-bullying. 

    It can lead to negative and positive things..


    Negative of anti bullying measures : Causes a coddled society that cannot handle real world

    Positives of anti bullying measures: Some kids will not have mental breakdowns, because bullies won't go too far.

    Positives of bullying: Strengthens the kid in lots of cases (most, since mostly bullying is just name calling etc)

    Negatives of bullying: Too much bullying = psychological problems..

  4. Just now, MnM Skittles said:

    How do you not know, if in real life they have already been through that? They decided to play a few games to get out of the real world for a bit, jumping out of reality just to have someone they barely know call them useless or all sorts of things, sure they shouldn't care, but if its the last straw to push them over?


    If it is the last straw that pushes them and they commit seppuku, it is their fault for being genetic failures who lacked white matter and killed themselves. They probably would not be of use in the real world since their emotional weakness would prevent them from holding on to important, or hard positions...calls me an ass, just stating the harsh truth.


  5. 1 minute ago, MnM Skittles said:

    The internet is full of everything, bulling because of what you stated and harassed by your gender. You are right, there some things that just happen because "its the internet" just gotta ignore the shit that's thrown at you, but some people will react to it differently.

    When I started playing a year ago I made a decision to just ignore it because it happens too often and I don't want the internet to get to me. But what I see it as,

    others are more sensitive and I don't want to ruin their fun by being a total dick, no reason to do  that.

    Not everything is perfect, everything comes with negatives, which can lead top positives... Silencing things ( banning free speech ) only leads to more repressed anger and problems. Also what does Sex have to do with any of this? 

  6. Just now, explicit said:

    Not "triggered", I am just stating the most obvious thing I could gather from this thread; you're a douchebag.


    Again, back to your safe space.. People with IQs above 100 are talking. Using basic psychological theories and  studies does not make one a douchebag..You are one of these people which are mentioned in the book "Brave New World"...you are so indoctrinated, the state does not need to silence other, you do it

    Eric916 likes this
  7. 1 minute ago, eric91611 said:

    Donald Trump just stfu every situation is different that's what makes humans so intelligent. We can differentiate how to respond to certain situatuions. 

    In certain situations you need to be toughened up, Atlis Life actually is the perfect expression of this as a civ you either Hunt or be Hunted. you get toughened up by the bullies and become stronger. 

    But this is a different case. You can tell this kid is sweet and caring. Bullying him is only going to make him think that he does need to toughen up and therefore abandon his true self; that being sweet and having heart is wrong and that's why people are mean to him. Basically your telling him he needs to be an asshole.

    People aren't on his side because he is WEAK but because he is GOOD. That is awesome not pathetic.

    I never stated anything about this kid. I just pointed out that bullying has good results, if it does not go too far.

    Also, even if this child  is bullied on the INTERNET, which is not really bullying, it will have good effects in the future since he will know that not everyone is an angel who wants the best for him. 
    This kid is awesome in my opinion, yes, he is not scared of befriending others and singing to them, which  might be the result of a tougher skin.

  8. Just now, MnM Skittles said:

    That's enough we all have our opinions which have been stated. I don't want this thread to be locked.

    I value your opinion to where you believe picking on someone toughs them up, like you said, as long as it doesn't go too far... My question is.. how do you know, how far is too much when it comes to bulling people? everyone reacts on a different level.

    Too far is when it starts causing psychological damage... Jumping someone, beating him up, pissing on the kid, etc etc...  Verbal insults and small shoves are not something that will damage you.

  9. 1 minute ago, Infamy said:

    For sure,I love them internet cool points,if anyone is being a "Internet Tough Guy" its you and your obvious ignorant post which i'm assuming your making while you sit around your mothers basement thinking of new ways to hate yourself less,because after all these years the only thing you hold value in is your Pathetic,hateful,cowardly internet persona.

    Also way to sow your maturity by making a autistic joke,because Autism is hilarious.

    LMAO! Another ad hominem.."Ignorant post"...are you this fucking delusional? 

    You are a joke, thank god you are not a person of any importance. You remind me of hypocritical feminists that call everyone else sexist without realizing they are the sexist ones......Since when is posting an actual study ignorant? since when is using logic ignorant? Go back to your safe space, you total subhuman

  10. Just now, Infamy said:

    Way to be as big a cunt as your namesake. And that article is from a unverified Troll paper,hardly a valid argument,Something tells me you were/are that popular kid who thinks he is doing someone a favor by going out of his way to be a Shitty human being,Bulling people is akin to mental torture & torture gets you nothing other then what you want to hear & is only for the pleasure of the person being tortured.

    LMAO?!?!? Troll paper? It is a leftist paper, and lefties hate bullying so it is unlikely they would BS thing shit.

    Also, nice appeal to emotions, strawman, and an ad hominem. Your IQ must be low if you cannot handle real world.

  11. Just now, Infamy said:

    Right because picking on a kid about his shoes,or clothes or the brand of car his family has definitly prepares someone for the future.

    Internet tough guy,wouldnt i need to threaten people to be considered a internet tough guy? Instead of simply stating something that happand in the past?

    Go work on your Speeches,That last public address was pathetic.


    Answering your first statement, yes it does.

    Typical feelings over fact guy...pathetic, you are. Bet you are one of these college brats that protests in order to create safe spaces.

    You are an internet tough guy because you are obviously making shit up to get internet cool points, when you probably make fun of other too.


    Also, yes, anything that has to do with facts and destroys your autistic logic is "pathetic".

  12. Just now, MnM Skittles said:

    I just find it pathetic that people can get off on making others feel like shit.


    Triggered much? I am not a bully, sounds like you are trying to strawman... Just here to state a fact, it does not matter what you find pathetic since your opinion is irrelevant. Studies show that bullying is a positive thing, as long as it  does not go too far

  13. 20 minutes ago, eric91611 said:

    People should just be able to be themselves without instant ridicule its so easy to be mean and cruel to people online because you don't see the hurt they feel or a face behind your insults. The anonymity makes it so easy to hurt people and not feel anything about it. This kid is awesome lol if you don't get a tear maybe your just heartless @Volaes lol

    how can you be bullied on the internet? Just turn off the computer.....or walk away kek.

    Bullying is a good thing, anti bullying laws created a generation of spineless pussies that demand safe spaces

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