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  1. http://steamcommunity.com/id/elmozozo/ afk hours?
  2. accept pls wtf accept me how am i not accepted yet
  3. Age: 9, turning double digits tomorrow Arma 3 hours (screenshot): cant sc, on my rasberry pi Location/Timezone: earth, commoner timezone Past/Current Gangs: Synergy, nv, prime, fsa Bank Balance: 2.6.12 Do you have a working mic? text-to-speech Why do you want to join Thantos ? lol cuz yall hella cool and good at like doin all the shit a nibba like me would do u no wutmsayn? What can you bring to Thantos ? like my body and like my soul Are there any current members who can vouch for you? quebec ; )))))))
  4. Why do you want to be Asylums next top pilot? yes How many hours would you say you have flying on Arma? yes Would you say you are the best in our community? yes What will you do with the money if you win. yes
  5. Volaes


    400k for the shed near oil processing.
  6. It now takes a short period of time to take your own life No
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