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Posts posted by teknotel

  1. Application

    How old are you: 30

    Do you own any properties: No

    Cartel Skills 1-10: - 8

    Driving Skills 1-10: 7

    Flying Skills 1-10: 8

    Marksman Skills 1-10: 8

    Role Playing Skills 1-10: 7

    Past Clan(s): (?) Unknown, SAS

    Do you own Apex DLC: Yes


    Looking for a mature group to join with and make some money and have some fun. I am a good all round player with 1000s of hours of Arma 3 experience across lots of mods. I am a very patient player who is happy to put the hours in. I don't know where your based but I am UK and can be on most days 11am GMT til 8pm sometimes even later and into the next day if I have more time. I am a safe pilot and I can fly planes. I like doing cartels and also running goods for money. I am happy to earn my keep and currently run smuggling flights during the day and am trying to do oil. I have all perk points but it has been a while since I was in (?) Unknown on S1 so I maybe a bit rusty on some of the newer asylum stuff.

    Thanks for your consideration.

    Manolo likes this
  2. Woah thanks for all the offers of help guys! I think I would like to work my way up myself but I am not really asking for help here more just seeing what people think about there only being only one or two ways of making money for newish players that are actually relevant (imo).

    What I am saying is basically I don't see any real point in doing a lot of the activities that are available in the game. Turtles, mineral, and most of drugs except heroin (short run) and meth  (obvious most valuable and most difficult to complete). They don't seem relevant to me when I can just fish or excavate more money for doing virtually nothing. 

    I think with some tweaking of licence prices and also the returns you get for certain goods all of the ways to make money could be relevant. Was just seeing what people thought about it. Thanks again for responses and offers of help though guys.

  3. Just come back to playing on Asylum after a long time out. Having a great time, its just some of the trades currently available feel, well, totally pointless.

    I tried a high yield mining run and it was absolutely pointless. In 40 min I made about 12-15k using a box truck. I was surprised that the price of diamond was hardly anything more than Iron. It really seems like the majority of the trades are kind of useless as there does not seem to be enough difference in the risk/reward of different trades.

    I can see everything is much cheaper from when I used to play which is great and makes up for the low money income for sure, but it really is more to do with other gameplay aspects I feel this could be improved a little. The way it seems now where everything is so similar there seems to be no real progression, apples>salt>iron>diamond>meth etc.

    In all honesty, every trade I have tried is as disappointing as the other in terms of reward. I havent tried alcohol or weapon making yet which will be my next step. I hear they are a lot more profitable its just I am not in a position to try the more dangerous ways of earning money yet,

    The other thing, is maybe having either less trades but with more of a defined progression path would encourage a lot more excitement imo. I have played on other life servers where diamonds were valuable as hell. So people high jacked them, which in my opinion great and the interactions that would take place because of this were a great addition to the game. Similarly with less trades or at least a more defined trade progression path you are more likely to run into players along routes , which again is what makes the game really.

    Right now as a starter player I feel if I actually want to make any money I am really left with only two worthwhile options. Fishing or excavating. Virtually risk free, nothing can really go wrong and I can afk for most of it and watch TV. The money is also better per 15 min or per hour then almost any other of the basic trades I have tried. Again how can this be more valuable then mining diamonds?

    This said having a great time and looking forward to progressing and trying all  the new features that have been added since my last stay here.

    Maybe I am doing something wrong or missing something and someone can help me out, otherwise thoughts please.



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