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Everything posted by Oib55

  1. Oib55

    new gun

    The CMR would encourage people to hard aim while bi-poded on an objective. Sure it does encourage a sniper elite gameplay style. However, its going to approach a non-pen everything vehicle/wall approach. I'd fear the CMR over a MK since I know the person wielding it obviously understands its range and can clearly kill people at a distance.
  2. Where would the event take place? SGT+ starts the event at Dump HQ or an isolated location to allow people to gear up/drop whatever they are doing should they be interested in the event. At least ten officers and 70 civs should be online for the event. The idea of having a lot of cops online and they push for a objective instead of it being Evidence or something. What is the goal for the APD in this event? Defending a X(whatever) vehicle with a high end value. It would alert people that a large shipment of weapons or drugs is being moved to a location. (It could be coded like Altis shipping for example to determine the value/what type of shipping it could be.) What should the payout be? This would be determined by analytical data provided by the server. However, it needs to be worth while for a rebel/cop to die with 1-3 kits/an armored car. Would there be any specific rules for the event? Server rules are enforced obviously. Adding any specific rule that excludes gameplay might make it unattractive to go to. You could make the vehicle respawn just like the Mariad.
  3. @goyneyDo the gang mates require Asylum plus to use these skins or are they going to be incorporated with the gang somehow?
  4. @MayhemCould the maximum payout cap on bounties be increased with the perk? Currently its 250k to like 400k?
  5. Initial purchase price for design and implementation nah it sounds @goyneyand the design team will be making it
  6. I hope you include an underdog or two of gangs 🙂
  7. What about the target is pinpointed on the map every minute or something. No circle?
  8. I feel like you would create even more enemies doing this personally lol. However, an increased jail timer would be funny as hell.
  9. It doesn't tell you this anywhere! Either way the skip tracer jail as an incentive is weird. The automatic waypoint is fine/coolio.
  10. Currently the Apex Predator 11/10 outweighs Master Crusader. Just curious what people think should be the "Good guy" bounty hunting reward. Access to the Skiptracer jail facility already works with all turn in locations.
  11. Cops have a mobile HQ they use it's a Hemtt. No idea how you would set that up for CIV.
  12. https://imgur.com/a/Ys6tl7B WTB 3mil+ or best offer. LMK if you own it 🙂
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