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  1. I can think of a few ways of set up, but it depend on devs to decide if they want add them: 1.Add a new turf location and every time some gang caputure it, just spawn a mobile HQ similar to the cops one but for the gang that control the turf? And when the turf is controled by other gang, just despawn it? 2. just sell them at rebel outpost, one time purchase, can not put back to garage. And extend it's despawn timer.
  2. If can add some kind of mobile respawn vehicle could open a new world of tactics. Like limit one to each gang/cops can have one on map at same time. or make it some kind of turf privilege. And can make it super vulnerable and have cooldowns for balance (like 1 person can respawn in it for the whole gang/cops per minuts and each person have a 5 min cool down).
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