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Posts posted by stompy

  1. 1. How old are you? 16

    2. How many hours do you have on arma? (please post link to screenshot) 5500

    3. How many hours on asylum? 2.5k

    4. Are you able to be self sufficient? yes i have 2 mil. 

    5. What is one thing interesting about you? I'm the meme of asylum and i have 3 fingers. I will basically be a standing advertisement for your gang, you will get lots of attention from people like Hamsham and my boy Tricks, i also heard Tox is back since he wrote me a love letter on s4. Basically you're investing in yourself by recruiting me. I also play about once a month and I'm a top tier meme. 

    6. Why do you want to join this gang? Cause i wan't to be inactive as hell, come on S1 and sui vest kavala. Oh wait shit i don't want to be in your gang right.. 

  2. In Game Name: Stompy

    Age: 16. 

    Are you a member of the APD (rank): No .

    Have you been banned on Asylum? If so how long and what for?: I was banned for RDM once by badabing 1.5 years ago, it was a 3 day ban. I haven't gotten banned any other time during my 3 year stay in the asylum. 

    Any previous Gangs: SnG, SGS, Nemesis, North bridge and Black eagle. 

    I'm looking to join because i have the money (2 million) to mess around with a bunch of cool guys who are mature. I also have 3800 hours in arma 3 and 2k in arma 2. I'm basically looking to get in because i see a huge lack of maturity in alot of gangs and from my experience you guys are pretty chilled out.

  3. Server: 

    House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House

    House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150K

    Location (Town/DP#): Rodopoli

    Asking Price: 400K, bid away. 

    Description: A good house for capturing rodopoli, you can't get your crates shot out since it's a 2 story building. Also good for doing meth etc. 

    Pictures/Video Walk-through: Location: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/858353438102313684/C2D76955EEA3E94C4573F879544807FED145443D/ View from the outside: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1113233301


  4. Server: 4

    House, Garage, Industrial Shed: house

    House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 120k

    Location (Town/DP#): South east of north meth lab.

    Asking Price: Bidding, i don't have a set price but it's the best meth house on s4 so it won't be cheap. 

    Description: This is literally the best meth house for north meth on S4, there are no closer houses for sale. The only house that is closer is 1.4 clicks away and was bought before 8.0 and still isn't for sale. This is less than half as far as dp5/3 house which are currently some of the closest town's to north meth. It's also a 3 crater so you can make 752,000$ if you fill all crates and proccess. 

    Pictures/Video Walk-through Location: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1113232657 View from the outside: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/858353438102278520/9B3983FB95DFB6EFA06777C22871EBCCCC3E2129/

  5. 23 minutes ago, DankBud said:

    I don't think it does tbh,not to the degree you an some others think,its still a prime spot..could always use a crate to store at least a hemmt worth of ingredients in a scotch house and use it for both,sure the adjustment may suck an what not,but you have 2- 3 crate slots w/e your set up may be switch it up a little bit so you have at least something to run when its up north side...also nothing will compare to meth so to compare making money to that your just gonna set your self up for dissapointment.....


    Your original post wasn't about this tho,it was to balance the rotation of the drug spots moving,50/50 is pretty fair,other wise it becomes predictable for players to rob..unlike before it got stale an people would just run a bunch when the server was dead or jump to another server to do so.

    The point of the 8.0 was to bring more activity to that side of the map if I'm not mistaken. I doubt he just woke up an was like,let's fuck up the meth housing market for players an watch em bitch an cry.

    If it comes down to the point of you being to burnt out to grind,take a few days break or w/e play something else...

    To me rotation has little to do with the issue your posting about. You just sound burnt out an having a bad time making money,start doing things together with your gang as a while an split it up,make the game fun for you,plenty of ways of doing it...other then that might wanna take a small break till you get that motivation again,we've all been there.

    Well i mean nobody except me is responsible for being semi-burnt out but i disagree with the part where you state that you will be set up for dissapointment thinking that anything matches meth moneywise. If i do scotch i can pick 402 barley and buy ingredients with each boxtruck run. If i do this asap it takes 2 hours and 15 minutes fill my houses up with 402 scotch. That would make me 174K an hour. Ofcourse you cannot do this forever since you need barrels but i have 9 in total. Now if i do meth i need 55 Minutes on average to gather and transport a full crate of meth ingredients (In a hemmt box). All ingredients take about 2 hours and 45 minutes to gather and get to your house (i use a dp15 one). Now for the proccesing part. Asuming you're running your meth in a box truck it takes about 13 minutes to fill the truck up, process it, and bring it back to empty it at your house. Doing the actual runs take 78 mins in total + 2 hours and 45 mins to gather ingredients. asuming you already own drug cartel you will be making about 179K an hour which is only 5k more than doing scotch. Ofcourse other factors play into all of this like holding drug cartel (if you don't you will make 145k an hour vs 174k doing scotch). You will also be at a smaller risk doing scotch than meth so you will likely not get robbed. Barley is also a pain in the ass to gather imo but that's just preference i suppose. You also make about 155K an hour doing it with rodo and drug cartel and about 120-155k an hour doing drug runner from what i have timed (it's very RNG dependant). Make of this what you will, but in the end the difference isn't big at all between meth and these other alternatives. Now you might think "but hey, stompy. Why the hell are you defending other money making options when you were clearly arguing FOR meth in the original post". Well, all i have to say is that i have too much time on my hands right now and i love math. 

    TL;DR: Scotch makes you 174K an hour and Meth W/drug cartel makes you 179K an hour and Meth w/o drug makes you about 145K an hour. Coke w/ drug and rodo makes you about 155K an hour and finally drug runner makes you about 120-155K an hour doing absolutely nothing. I honestly prefer drug runner alot of the time after 8.0.Please do read the post above since i put alot of time and a good bit of math into it. God i have too much time on my hands. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, DankBud said:

    It sure does suck when its not where you want it to be no doubt,BUT meth isn't the only way to make fair money,I'll list a couple decent ways to make money based off what you posted above with the amount of time you have waited for  waiting on the OG spot..

    1)Ready? Its a new thing called crank they added and best part is you have the CHOICE to do it anywhere on the map,sure ain't as good as meth,but still a fair way to make money.

    2) Could do coke runs(not my cup of tea) or make an sell guns with said coke on the AE..or market..

    3) prob the most underrated way,but none the less effective way  is Oil,if you count just oil you can make  a decent amount per box truck with little to no issues,now factor in the rubber you get...the market is hardley ever crashed for this so selling it should be little to no problem,just gotta be willing to grind, be patient,and plan it out..I store it in a house until I feel the risk running it into town is in my favor. Keep in mind you don't have to do it all at once,do a few trips here an there threw out the day,I would store it imo an make runs in a box truck or sport hatch,you can hold 96 oil in your Y Inventory and 96 in the hatch....that's like 80k now think what you could do if you ran a box truck of just oil? Again plus the rubber,sure its not like meth,but time spent getting ingredients for meth an waiting for the server to die down where you feel safe enough to run it...I'd say its rather balanced when it comes down to it.


    If your waiting as much as you are for the OG meth spot an passing up the time to grind any of these out,that's on you for being lazy an looking for the quick buck that has the most risk an potential time lost due to the high risk if cought an or robbed..

    I understand its a pain in the ass waiting for it to switch,but plenty of ways of making money other then meth,just don't be lazy and plan it out.

    I know there are other ways to make money than meth and the ones you listed are good but i just have a huge problem with crank. It's just not effective, whatsoever. If you actually time it you will notice that you do indeed get a decent paycheck but not at all as good, i made a whole topic on this. I find that you make the same money as meth with 3 other options. Coke (with rodo), drug runner or scotch. Those are the only other options that i found to make the same amount of money as meth. It's not that im lazy i could still make 1.2 million in a day by afking/watching a series on the other monitor doing meth and drug runner. It's just annoying because sometimes you get burnt out on asylum and feel like you don't wanna spend more time than you need to. If i can make the same amount of money in a shorter amount of time whilst not boring myself to death i'd prefer that. Like i said this isn't as big of a problem for people who just supply themselves with money. I just don't think the whole move made sense. It's just revving the engine from 0-100%. No major changes happen, and then one day 8.0 comes out and all of a sudden everything changed. I feel like the biggest thing is that people spent 500k+ on some meth houses etc. Now those houses are worth very little compared to before. It's not like they introduced the idea and changed some minor things at first and then progressed as time went on. Bamf just decided one day like, you know, fuck it, why not? I know i'll probably sound dick-ish saying all this since you have a good intent and have no bad intent with your post and neither do i. I just can't see how it would be rational to turn asylum upside down in 1 instant like that. I know they keep all player's in mind with updates but those of us who do really calculate when to do meth and time everything perfectly, it really fucks with us. 

  7. Imo the most important thing they could do is reward players who did alot for their team but wasn't online when the game finished. People like me just stay away from strife since i know i prob won't be online for the end of the game to get that bonus, if i knew that i'd get that bonus anyways, i'd play alot more. 

    Wilmun likes this
  8. This isn't a new location but i think something needs to happen. North wongs is possibly the worst cartel because unless you pull an ifrit, outnumber defenders or suicide vest tower it is cancer to push. I have said it before and i will stick to it, bring back old wongs cartel, sure it's nothing new but atleast it isn't a tower and it was fun. I think the most important cartel to change is north wongs. This is only part of the problem. Gang life is really stale right now. I remember when the big gangs used to fight CONSTANTLY 5.0 (and early 6.0). Something needs to change, i don't have any concrete ideas but there needs to be an incentive to join a gang and get on fighting. I fee like 8.0 didn't bring the change that i was looking for sadly. In my eyes 8.0 was basically alot of reskins and small changes (relatively). i remember when the whole bounty hunting system came out in 7.0 and people where going insane but, sometimes asylum needs a good kick in the face to get going. I feel like the rebel system needs to be totally revamped as it is very stale currently and doesn't really leave you anything to grind for, which is why alot of my friends stayed on the grind as a bh. My point is that you need to focus on the big numbers like 7.0, 8.0 and just put everything you're working on aside and focus on revamping the rebel system to incentivise players again. Give em something to grind. Very off topic i know. 

    Steve likes this
  9. Just now, Mitch (IFRIT) said:

    My ssd completely changed my gameplay. So much so, that it's in my belief that it should be listed as a requirement for this game.

    Yeah i just realized that im running a3 on /D not my ssd, thanks guys the reason i didn't is cause i got that sweet 120gb so it's not too big, need to change the paste on my cpu aswell havent in 3 years, im guessing thats why partly. 


    27 minutes ago, Midamaru said:

    Lag could have numerous reasons but here's some general things that help:

    PC Upgrade

    Have a SSD

    Reinstall ARMA

    There's no magic button to fix this problem, you need to troubleshoot and find out what is causing it by probably testing solutions 1 by 1.


    7 minutes ago, Silver-Spy said:

    Reduce your ingame graphics and reduce your ingame audio settings.Run your game on memory allocator JE_Malloc_64 bit


  10. 2 minutes ago, Fedgybo1 said:

    - In game name Jesper

    - Age 14

    - Hours on Arma 3: 465 hours 

    - Do you have a mic and ts? Yes

    - Bank balance? 10k have a house which i do meth in.

    - Past gangs? SGS, Evolve, Divinity

    - What can you bring to the gang? Good at cartels, im a good team player and i listen to My higher ups. 

    Accepted as trial, on one condition, from the moment you step into the teamspeak and play with us you need to have 500k within 2 days. 

    Dumbasso and Wilmun like this
  11. Just now, Gnashes said:

    You could always go run meth at the other location. That's what the new location exist for.

    Also, another thing. The new location would be great if there were more houses, i don't know if there is anyway to add houses as a dev but that'd be really baller. Since right now the closest thing you can get to north meth lab is like a dp5/3 house which is like doing runs at og meth with panagia houses. its like 5.5 clicks vs 2 clicks from dp15. 

  12. Just now, Gnashes said:

    You could always go run meth at the other location. That's what the new location exist for.

    Yes i could, but it would most likely not be worth it. People with alot of money know that there are more effective ways to make meth like with a house. As someone who needs to make alot of money as a cartel fighter it's just not worth it when you factor in getting robbed. People can spot you at hydrogen, ephedra, phosp or meth lab, besides cop can pull you over whilst offroading. When you factor in all of this you will be making nowhere as much money as with a house. Which is what frustrates me. This basically only leaves scotch as an option where you have a limited rescource and the barley usually gets snagged by someone like 10 mins after restart. I've always told friends that the best thing to do is to run scotch in the morning and then later on in the day do meth. That's no longer possible since you'll get robbed for sure/get taken by cops, which nullifies meth. 

  13. Just now, Gnashes said:

    If the server only flips a coin every other restart, you'd have a higher chance of going 6 hours without the location you want.

    No, you misunderstood me, what i am saying is that there is an automatic switch that makes sure some location doesnt stay for more than 2 restarts. So if meth is at north location it will automatically switch back to OG meth after 2 restarts so people don't have to wait for too long. 

  14. I know what this whole thing is going to come down to is wheter or not you own a meth house or not, i realise that. if you own one you know the potential those houses had before this update and if you didn't then great for you this doesn't affect you all too much. I think there needs to be a balance. Right now i've waited the last 4 restarts for meth to switch location but NOTHING has happened. There are certain hours during the day that you can actually make good money depending on what server you play on. I've been sitting here for 10 hours on server 3 and once this restart is over server 3 will probably flood with players as per usual. All i think is that the switches in locations need to happen more frequently like every other restart or something like that so this kind of a thing doesn't happen. You shouldn't have to wait 12 hours to run meth. or any other drugs for that matter. 

    tl;dr: Sometimes you go 4 restarts without OG meth so you literally spend 12 hours not able to make money doing meth or any other drug for that matter. I've sat through the 12 prime hours of money making today and OG meth hasn't moved ONCE. Make it so that drug switch every other restart or just more frequently on a CONSISTANT basis. 

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