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APD Officer
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Everything posted by GH05T

  1. When did I say I wasn't? Lol that's a good meme xD
  2. It's ranked, but thanks for your positive feedback as always Oh wait.. there's 1 clip in there when I play mira and get 4k which was in Casual.. My bad.
  3. Was a Plat.. but it's difficult to stay in the ranks with silly players that get carried to their ranks. You can go 10/0 and still lose, because your team can't carry their own weight. Keep it coming. I like our conversations on the forums
  4. https://gyazo.com/7db76eea6caa96799d8ec7bba4814bcc
  5. I can't send you messages, dam meme and a half right there xD
  6. Doing it for the Meme's About us: We are a group of friends playing for the Meme's. We don't take anything serious, we just play for shits and gigs. We tend to get ourselves into situations that we can't usually explain.. However, no matter the situation.. It's all about having a laugh. We also play other games, not just Asylum. REQUIREMENTS: Mature Audiences 17+ (Exceptions can be made) Have TeamSpeak and a working microphone. Have enough money to not care about spending it. Must have a good understanding of the Asylum rules. (No exceptions) Must be "MEME" worthy. APPLICATION FORMAT: What is your in-game name?: What are your Meme's?: What are your previous gang affiliation(s)?: Do you have any references in Quentiam?: Time Zone: Are you Whitelisted?: (You may Inbox me your application, if need be) IF APPROVED: You will be PM'ed TS and given an interview. Bring your best Meme's with you. - Meme Squad - Sanctus | Perm | Sick | Hicks | TheDevil | Mr.White
  7. caught hacking? what a fucking meme.. hahahaha mate, piss off
  8. I believe it was like a couple of days and we kicked you.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyhFERdZ6aU C4 Meme
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkjPbu8A3Dk Enjoy
  11. Congratz on SGT, dickhead
  12. What about the Aussie's?
  13. Thank you, thank you. Been playing ranked since I could. A lot better then casual. haha, thanks
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqjBQ47gHy4 This is what my Asylum career has come to, Enjoy
  15. Wasn't high enough level for ranked and a couple of them are from ranked. LMFAO! Siege is fun.
  16. Thank you Yeah, I guess ARMA just isn't really my thing.
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