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Rastislav Andreyavich

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Everything posted by Rastislav Andreyavich

  1. Looking to buy some real estate by the black market on the right side of the map, a shed would be ideal!
  2. Looking to buy some real estate by the black market on the right side of the map, a shed would be ideal!
  3. Selling 3 3cs in Sofia, one is closest one to DMV and 2 of them are full w 900 plants each, let me know if yall interested looking to get about 2.5 mil for full ones 1.5m for empty!
  4. I am interested In purchasing the Paros one with 1.5k ephedra, 750k?
  5. Q19 | Rastislav, glad I caught you now i'm coming on quickly
  6. I synced up outside ur base, whenver ur on lmk ill come on and cop
  7. You should hustle in pool houses 😂 Cheese is objectively the best
  8. Anyone got a shed they wanna sell by the black market productions on the right side of the map? Or if you know someone that has it lmk fan
  9. Hahaha yeah bud it kinda spiraled out of control, I’m gonna be home in a few hours I’ll message you privately on the forums and make my way down to purchase it
  10. I get what you’re saying, but my gang has already got houses in that town that we purchased for less so my demand for his house isn’t as high as it is for other people, hence why others that don’t own houses in that town would be more willing to pay the higher price than me. I felt in this scenario I could afford to be picky and no offense was meant. In honor of reaching positive relations and leaving this unnecessary back and forth, im willing to buy your property for the original 2m out of respect for you, is that something you would want to do or are we past the point of negotiations?
  11. Hey man those organic honey crisp and galas be bankrupting people out here
  12. Man surprised you don’t get my point. If an apple cost 10 bucks but there’s a chance you can get it for 7, would you chose to pay 10 for it because it’s petty to haggle for $3? I brought up the money not because you accused me of not having enough but because I thought it was strange you wouldn’t want to make the best deal for yourself. In any case dont really know why you felt the need to get Involved but once again, have a good night
  13. You commented that I was haggling him over 170k, I brought up my assets to prove my point that it wasn’t about cash but rather principle, but in any case I hope you gentlemen have a fine day
  14. Money isn't an issue I have enough between my personal funds and gang account to purchase 100 of his houses lmfao, point is I didn't feel like overpaying regardless of the margin 45% discount on a retarded asking price doesn't make me retarded for still being unsatisfied, good luck with future buyers also learn how to do basic math before talking shit
  15. Just trynna haggle for lower, this house isn’t worth a dollar above 1.5 in my eyes so could care less if It backfires No thanks but good luck
  16. Considering the 3c isn’t upgraded (no lead container or anything I’m assuming) I would like to buy it for 1.5m. The location and size is great but without any inventory to start meth production getting the houses worth in meth sales takes a bit, I think we can settle at 1.5 and walk away happy
  17. Can you give me some more info like what the upgrades are and v/p inventory
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