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Pfc Pyle

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Everything posted by Pfc Pyle

  1. I know governor Fenwick personally, and may I say now; for the record; he does not possess the know-how, nor the intellectual fortitude to use scripts in Arma III. What's more, why would he? He only comes to town to fart in peoples mouths and then kiss them. Anyone who has had the pleasure of meeting him in Pyrgos will know and attest to the fact that he would have no reason to use hacks in order to carry out the innocent shenanigans that he perpetuates in Pyrgos. Please chime in with support if you have the time to help get our most loved governor back to Altis, his banishment is mis-aligned and underserved. Thank you for your time. Pyle
  2. Yeah, I logged out in my garage near DP 19, and when I logged in a few hours later, poof, orange jumpsuit, in the middle of the new area. Mind... blown.
  3. Yeah, I spawned here and had no bounty or anything previously. However, I was able to simply run away with a prison jumpsuit. Fortunately all I lost was a Carryall, rook and three mags. I guess it is wise to wander around looking like a hobo. The most dangerous person you'll meet is the one that has nothing to lose.
  4. It would seem that every garage in the town of Charkkia surrounding DP19 on Server 2 is owned. I would like to purchase one of these garages since my successful businesses have afforded me the luxury of several summer toys for which I need storage close to my home. If you have one of these garages and would be willing to part with it for a small profit, please contact me and we can negotiate a fair price. Thank you for your time, Pfc Pyle
  5. Hello Asylum, thank you for the great servers upon which I may enjoy Altis Life. [OOC] Was inivted by members of the Blackwater Defense gang and have been accepted within their ranks. It is refreshing to be on a "Life" server with active admins and a fairly respectful population of gamers. Most servers are rife with RDM'ers and TDM'ers. So far I have not found this to be the case here. To all, thank you and I hope to enjoy meeting you. {OOC} If you happen to see me wandering about, I have a tendency to get somewhat ornery, fear not I am seldom armed and not much of a threat. I am just a crochety old prospector who enjoys the solitude of searching for and gathering pretty/shiny rocks. My typically displeasing demeanor is due to the fact that my three ex-wives have left me old, worn-out, penniless and debt-saddled with all the support and alimony I need to pay. It is all I can do to keep up with the daily grind and hold my head above water with all the bills. Have a great day and take from an withered and cynical old curmudgeon who has been wronged one too many times. If you think you have found "THE ONE" make damn certain she signs a PRE-NUP. At least that way, once you toss her sorry ass to the curb, you can still afford a beer or two on a Friday night. Peace n play safe.
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