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Everything posted by Brookesy

  1. Thanks fellas, I appreciate the responses. I found a work around tho. Cheers!
  2. Greetings, I am trying to film a commercial video for my logging company but I cant see to figure out how to load the mission that runs on the Altis Life server - I need this mission for the lumber mill / vehicles etc. Does anyone know how to do that? Thanks, Brookesy
  3. Close... you got the main ideas... Under 1. Concept I explained the bottom line or main ideas, I touched up that section for all of you with bird-like attention spans and included it below: "Ultimately, the bottom line proposal is this: 1) Allow paper to be a controlled commodity (like Weed) that can be legalized or illegalized by the currently elected Governor. 2) Allow rolling papers to be a transferable yet diverse gateway commodity that can be processed via a new processing facility – i.e.: Paper Mill. And introduce a new officer paper commodity 3) Expand on Talent Tree for lumber oriented industry" I just want you to know that I used your honey post as inspiration ❤️ you do excellent work sir
  4. Yes Grand Wizard, as you wish
  5. Thanks Rando! You are a wizard! I could not figure out how to make it look like that!
  6. I have generated a bit of an argument for a paper proposal / economy analysis. Edit: See posts below - Rando has kindly formatted this post correctly. A true wizard and friend of the trees. Unfortunately, a lot of the work I put into it did not survive posting in this format so I had to make due and post it here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTr86lHGBJo_r-k6Pu8gHY3CqPZzSgoVReC4aJpI5FGcaBl0NAtpM3VcPBWCX_Ms2LemjAaDckMJOXp/pub Some of the formatting isn't jiving correctly, I apologize for that. But it is beyond my simple mind to solve.
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