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Everything posted by Leslie

  1. no man I waited 5 fucking days and got so excited for nothing
  2. SO they decided to take it down rip. https://gyazo.com/e7f77182e0faf9348b72b5dd16bfd6fe rip my dream of becoming a cadet..
  3. Leslie


    Revoke currently not active enough and like the gang im currently in
  4. https://gyazo.com/12073edf3566cad95c896af12acc40ee There you go
  5. Leslie


    Exiuna I was in this gang give me the ts fam
  6. Leslie


    Well I've never made an official one of these. well my name is leslie And I have been playing on this community for almost 2 years. I've had some ups and downs. I've always wanted to become a cop and that's what i'm working for right now. I mean I help out a lot of people. If any of you guys need help with anything message me on the asylum website. I wouldn't call myself a veteran even though I know a lot about cartels and have been in a lot of the really old and really good gangs. So yea that's me. I hope you guys are enjoying the community as much as I have lately. Oh yea i've also grew up in s5 with ranga <3
  7. Being captain I heard isnt such a great thing. Its more of a Job and not a game and something to have fun with. You would be dealing with more out of game stuff then In game would feel like a 2nd Job but you would be a great 3rd Captain.
  8. Leslie


    Alright Im prob going to do it after I get off school today..
  9. Leslie


    I've read over them Multiple times.
  10. Leslie


    So I've always wanted to become a cop. I've finally got accepted but now very nervous about the interview. Is their anything I should really be nervous about. I've wanted to become a cop now for almost 3 years and I'm so close just very nervous for the interview...
  11. I need one of them how much I want 150k with 3 aging
  12. Heroin Harry Hop in ts when you have a chance so we can discuss this stuff
  13. Im selling one I have one. The highesst bid is 200k so far.
  14. Jessie for Captain (She will make me cadet)
  15. Server: 5 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70k Location (Town/DP#): Agia Asking Price: Bids
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