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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Twix

  1. Unless I am mentally retarded and haven't seen an update but, everyone in the gang is allowed into the gang house. They can unlock/show crates without actual power in the gang itself.
  2. So you are saying a Kavala pistol banger could go to rebel, get a mask, and kill as many people as he wants without bounty hunters being able to stop him? -1
  3. boy you know what i am talkin about
  4. I know how to fix the bug... Pour 150 liters of original Maple Syrup onto your GPU and CPU. Once you have done that you can move onto pouring baby powder into your cooling unit. After all that is complete purchase a jackhammer, open up h1, and jackhammer the shit out of your monitor. It should work after.
  5. Alex Herrera make another montage please... Add that one clip where you managed to miss a 2-mag spray into a cop facing away form you without an actual monitor.
  6. -1 because let's say I'm in Kavala po7 and 4 zip ties.. Some random has a $40k+ from just shooting and robbing people and he decides to RDM people and you get caught in the crossfire thus you losing it and not being able to get the rising bounty near you
  7. Don't listen to anyone here. I recommend you do apples until you can buy a $70,000 house, and start the Kavala Bang Bangers and RDM in Kavala
  8. bumb this whore up to the top for more attention
  9. I believe we have does this before tournament style, but why don't we hold a competition of sorts that is a 5v5 or a 6v6 of a 12-24 team bracket. First team to eliminate the opposing side wins. Have matches around 10-15 minutes long. We could hold this event in next month and have team captains. They must post on a thread their team name and the members. Have substitutes for that team just in case they cannot make it.(3 subs maybe) If their team missing 2+ players then they may choose to forfeit or to continue a 3v5. Teams could state a preferred time to play and we can arrange from there. We could have a practice round where no eliminations are made to get a feel for the game mode and what it entails. Possible prizes 1st place - 500,000 dispensed evenly throughout the team, and maybe a vehicle skin/player clothing or a tag correlating to winning 2nd place - 250,000 dispensed evenly throughout the team, and a loot crate key 3rd place - 100,000 dispensed evenly throughout the team Also I feel like we could set up multiple rounds for this: 1 round of pistols, 1 round of smgs, and 1 round of 6.5/7.62 Twix
  10. Star Wars owns s1 at the moment.
  11. $4 and a quad bike full of unprocessed weed
  12. Twix


    I will offer you $4.25 and a piece of cheese
  13. $2 and a crispy high-five
  14. Guys calm down, all we need to balance BH is give them a ghost hawk with downing rounds and make it 10k
  15. -1 he is way to rich/experienced
  16. why does your sig say sergeant but your tag say corporal????
  17. In-Game Name? Twix Age? 47 Arma 3 Hours? 16 https://gyazo.com/d50b001e55a574a84224c819c439751f Are you financially stable? no i live in a $300 apartment ( i got food stamps tho) Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak? no Current and Past Gangs? Nv | , Prime, Tenacity, Red, Mongols, DS, ATF, Legion Why do you want to join our gang/ What can you bring to the gang? I feel like i have the skills to pay the bills and the experience of AFK cartels,failed feds,banks, and turfs Can anyone in the gang vouch for you? Mangular
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