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Sentinel Diesel

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Sentinel Diesel

  1. Mr Chapo!, I've noticed you have the longest undying goodbye thread ever. I did like some of your points a lot the point where you talked about how teens are missing out on some of the best and most active years of their lives. This is true if they put as much effort as they do in this game ... say into studying or playing sports they would all get college scholarships, money , and job placement. I think it's more of a generational thing, with the full time gamers but I can tell you if I didn't game as much in highschool and college id probably be like an astronaut or a medical doctor at this point in my life. All and all man a game is a game there are thousands of games and millions of community's. Each and everyone is special in its own little way. If you look at this community in a positive light, it gives people hope, entertainment and a place to vent. This community is a safe place where people can safely build friendships and be entertained without going out in the world and possiblely getting hurt or arrested because of a poor mistake. I hate to see an active member leave but I get it your bored. See you when you return in the future.
  2. Welcome back we throw you a party ... Now back to work there is a lot to do!
  3. The sad part is that's the kid who shoots you when your buying candy from the store because you looked at him wrong and he didnt want any witnesses. Not so cool now huh...
  4. Actual Dictionary Definition.... Squeeker -A person who has yet to meet the age of puberty and compensates for their lack of adult hood or skill in the game by the butchering of the English language with their high voices by stringing together profanity after profanity. commonly found playing any online game with voice chat such as Halo. And now you know
  5. Sounds Legit! ... Hey I'm super jelly about that super computer your telling everyone about in your signature. Do you like run 18 gaming servers on that beast at the same time as well?
  6. Sounds fair ... i guess that works in real life too. I wanna be your friend "digital gun" ... Play with me come on.
  7. Hey, Welcome and thank you for your service. I hope you see you around on Server 2, ill help you out in any way I can. The game at first is a lot of handle but it gets easier over time.
  8. I've been digging all the new CW hero shows such as (The Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow) http://www.cwtv.com/shows/dcs-legends-of-tomorrow/?play=a2705a55-0cfb-48ba-ac9c-3148139df05e
  9. Olio, You make a comical and true statement here about administrating a gaming community. A game administrator or game masters as some call them. Has to be the Executive, Judge and Legislator when it administrating the community. This is a difficult task because, for one you are also a fellow gamer. When making decisions every member counts, because they are part of the community as well. Being an administrator of a community is almost like being an elected official, the people put their trust in you. If you fail to uphold fair and un-prejudicial opinions in game the community will either petition for your removal or just leave all together. With this being said that means holding a position like this could kill an entire community if you lose the trust of the members. I know I’m sounding repetitive but the entire point is you work for the people and they expect you to not let them down. At the end of the day your reward is that the community has a friendly and rule abiding place to game where they can refer their friends to enjoy the same experience. I’m enjoying reading the feedback and opinions from members on this thread.
  10. Great job, we lead by example in the APD and today you received a citizen accommodation. You should be proud because in real life letters like this actually matter and can get you places. Keep up the good work and always remember every person matters.
  11. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/rHdKP6 Hmm I don't think it can be done ... here's a middle of the road rig looking at 1300
  12. I'm about a month late, but I wanted to say hello to everyone and I look forward to playing on this community well into the future. Its been great so far role playing on the servers with you guys/gals in this community. Cheers, -B.O.D
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