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Everything posted by blaylocke

  1. That makes sense. So if that's just a product of the script, probably not able to be fixed?
  2. Yeah, sadly I think my AMD 8320 might be bottlenecking me. Maybe.
  3. My biggest thought on the video is wondering how you get the server to run that smooth.
  4. I don't know. I've never had a heli or a vehicle jacked. I've never had trouble explaining to a cop that a dumbass jumped in front of my vehicle. I know our local EMT's don't carry weapons of any sort except a pocket knife they use on calls (that aren't to the jail, courthouse, etc) and I've honestly never heard of an EMT being allowed to carry anything beyond a tool for the job. In fact, many outfits expressly forbid carrying anything of the sort. EMT weapons are pretty unnecessary and not really realistic. I would be elated with an update forcing people to wait if they hit the "call for medic" button, and some of those (or all, preferably) whitelist suggestions made previously.
  5. The siren is different, but I don't think people in the moment stop to hear the difference. It's not distinctly different when you're panicked that the cops are swooping in. That said, getting gunned down happens so rarely it would be a bit silly to even waste time or energy on it. The logical thing is to not go to red zones.
  6. I have noticed people shooting at me like I'm a cop swooping in. This may be a non starter, but giving the medics a more distinct siren may help, like the French ambulance siren, for example. Something that stands out as different from police stuff. Just a thought.
  7. Just wondering if EMTs are supposed to be able to use "pull out unconscious" on bodies in cars that have been completely destroyed. I have been called to several scenes where the car was on fire, waited for the fire to go out, and I'm simply completely unable to pull out someone to heal them. This may be intended, but I realize it also may be a bug that the admin team was unaware of.
  8. I would seriously love whitelisted medics. And while I have been shot or robbed on occasion, nothing of value is ever lost. I don't think we really need pepper spray or detaining. I've only accidentally bumped one person in my ambulance and healed them immediately, and found a cop for a Pardon. Cops have never been an issue. They do look at EMTs sometimes with suspicion on account of how many are trolls and pocket EMTs.
  9. I don't want to make the helicopter cheaper. In fact I want to make it more expensive upfront. I just want the garage fee to pull it out to be much much cheaper.
  10. This isn't a rant. I love this game, I love being an EMT. The examples I lay out are not sour grapes, I just want to paint the issue as specifically as I can, because I know there are a lot of players who prefer EMT, and this is actually a big problem for them (us). TL;DR at bottom. I know a lot of the decisions made regarding EMTs are made with the fact that they are unwhitelisted in mind. Helicopters have the capability to be very destructive or disruptive, and we wouldn't want every troll EMT to have an unlimited supply they didn't have to pay for. But the cost to actually make use of heli's as a non-troll EMT are really hefty, and I've never had them pay off. It's 5k up front for the vehicle, which is dirt cheap by heli standards (I honestly don't know the Civ cost) but the price to pull it out of the garage is really steep given the current state of EMT work. Right now, the situation goes something like this: Buy Helicopter, 5k. You only need 7 revives to pay off that helicopter in full. But it's incredibly unlikely you'll pay it off in one use -- If you leave Kavala (and lets be honest, there's no reason to stay with a heli, it's only a slower means of transport in that small a space, and Kavala is usually swarming with EMTs) it's highly unlikely you could fly around for two hours and find 7 people to revive. This is because a medic will go to a central location, park, and wait for a call. When someone requests us, we open the map to find them on the screen while firing up the engine -- and often times they are already respawned. If they didn't respawn, they'll wait just long enough for you to get airborn, within 2-3km of them, and then they'll hit respawn. I've had cops do this, civs, other medics. It's not malicious, but it does waste a lot of time, and add to some frustration with the profession. But in theory, this not paying it off in one use is not only fine, but necessary. because you now have this helicopter, until you blow it up or get it robbed.. It's a one time expense. So you garage it after a couple of hours, maybe you got lucky and you've recouped $2400 of that $5000. Which brings us to the real problem. So I own the heli, I jump online, I have an hour or maybe two before I have real life things to go handle. Let's go pull it out at the hospital. $2500. Now, we're not just in the hole for that $2500, we're also in the hole for the 2600 we didn't recoup after the initial purchase. And all of the fuel you burned going to calls that people respawned on before you could reach them means you have to do one of two things; spend $250 on an ambulance, land next to it and service the heli to get the gas back, or go buy the gas at a station. More expense. I would argue that with the current system you can never, ever do anything but bleed money with a helicopter. Just some quick math. Let's assume every time you use your heli, you revive two people (I swear on my life, this is not an average based in reality. Sometimes you may revive more, but the vast majority of the time, you'll revive 1 or none.) If you AVERAGE two revives each time (again, seriously unlikely) and you pay the helicopter fee and use the heli 10 times, you've just made a net loss of 9k. That's assuming it doesn't get blown up or robbed. I would suggest: to both stop troll EMTs from getting helicopters, and stop EMTs from bleeding the money we bleed, the follow steps are taken: Drastically increase the purchase price of the EMT heli. It should be a goal to look forward to, and it shouldn't be so easily nabbed. When that is set, drastically cut the cost of pulling that chopper from the garage. This will ensure pulling out the chopper and being responsible for it, the garage fee will pay for itself with a little effort. I think changing the rate from $5000/$2500 to $25000/$200 or $35000/100 (or whatever rate the powers that be saw fit) would be much, much better for people playing EMT, and also have the benefit of raising the costs on EMT heli trolls who just want to blow them up anyway. TL;DR It's impossible to keep up with the cost of pulling a helicopter out of the garage with the medic request system as it stands. Increase the purchase price and cut the garage fee for EMT choppers.
  11. I suspected the first bug might be just animation related. Awesome to hear about #2 being looked at!
  12. I know I'm a broken record with this, but I just experienced the prime example of why this would really be great for EMTs. Got a call, flew there. On the map at first glance it looked like the fellow might be dead on the platform, but when I got closer I knew he'd be underwater. Just wanted to see how far down it actually was -- I wouldn't have even made it to him, let alone been able to return to the surace. When I came back up, his friend explained that when he tried to load into his boat, he pushed it into the dock (if I remember correctly) and it went kablooey. He didn't have video of it, but I think it's a pretty safe bet. These guys wont probly bother with comps, because they don't record, but I could have at least saved him the cost of his gear, otherwise. I run into something like this at least once a day playing as an EMT. I'd sure love to be able to pull out a boat with a re-breather (and maybe swim gear) already inside, per The Reaper's suggestion. Again, I know it's low priority, but I think this would pair excellently with the other recent medic suggestions here:
  13. Two bugs I notice a lot -- On civilian, being crouched while holstering a pistol will often glitch me in some way. Either by the animation continuing to holster, unholster, reholster etc until I manually pull the gun out, stand up, and holster it that way, or by making me run forward. The former is more common than the latter. Second glitch has been mentioned a few times -- If you start to blood bag someone who runs away and it fails, you often cannot open up your phone (I've also been unable to lock my vehicles, press 8 on a call or use other shortcuts) until you have done a successful action, like repairing a vehicle, feeding painkillers or the like. I've only experienced this on EMT, don't know if Civs have the same problem.
  14. If it is not totally destroyed, you can simply walk up to it, scroll-wheel to the "Repair Vehicle" button. Your character will then begin repairing the vehicle, as shown in a progress bar at the top of your screen.
  15. I had this problem a few days ago. Shadow wouldn't even load, let alone save, and somewhere GEforce screwed up my drivers. I used a program called DDU to totally scrub every Nvidia file from my computer, then downloaded last Novembers drivers (the new ones screwed me) and redownloaded Geforce Experience. Works like a charm now. Not sure if it's the same problem, but it sounds like it.
  16. Yes! I didn't know if that was an option, but that would be fantastic.
  17. I realize this is something that would have a limited scope of effectiveness and wouldn't be a priority, but I've probably come across 20 people dead in the water (All but one of them were from Kavala) in the last week. Some from glitching when they load onto their boats, some when they are diving just offshore and drown/robbed for their gear. If they die in shallow water -- in their boat or otherwise -- it's a simple matter of wading out there a few feet and defibbing them underwater. But anyone out more than 25 meters is pretty much a goner, because not only do we have to swim to their position, we have to dive as well. We are as likely to die as they are in the case of diving. So I know this is a long shot, but I'd love it if we had boat of some kind available. If it went through, I'd rather pay a high cost for the boat up front and have a cheap fee to pull it out of the garage, as it will have limited use, generally. I'd also love a way for EMTs to survive a bit longer underwater, be that as a talent, gear, etc. And this was suggested in the EMT Whitelist suggestion topic; but a way for medics to move unconscious bodies would be awesome, on land and in the ocean. Again, I realize it's a long shot, just wanted to put it out there, as I've been thinking about it for a few days.
  18. Battleeye popped up and somehow AND ejected me from an EMT helicopter. The admins were great and gave me comp for it. They understand stuff happens. No reason to quit.
  19. He's been playing on #2. But I agree with you, Isaac. This has been my experience as well on #2.
  20. Making the stock market ebb and flow depending on in game economics would be awesome, but I imagine incredibly difficult. It might (if a stock market was really wanted) be easier to just write a stock code where the stocks have different properties and characteristics. Certain stocks are stable, some show explosive growth but equally terrible freefalls. Some are of middling value, but are safer bets across a week or two. Some are really risky day to day. I admit this is not much better than gambling, but it would add a little side game that would really be entertaining the no lifers among us -- and aside from Admins, there's not a lot of room for manipulation or exploiting it. More watchfulness and luck.
  21. Right. I even mentioned that in my first post. It's not great to revive someone in front of the man who killed them, haha.
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