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Everything posted by SpooderGuy

  1. don't know how to kill one NV guy in a tower let alone get wiped by greedy velocity..... "torment" best gang on asylum lets not forget how your leader didn't wear tags for the longest on top of that your dumbass could of just gave me keys so dumb please hush your mouth
  2. first off I know how to make money on rebel it just takes long secondly don't talk upon rebel life when all you do is play cop all day so hush
  3. they should lower the cost for both rebels and cops even tho cops guns cost nothing but w/e idk why career cops cry when all they do is play cop and stack up cash and prestige to look cute and since that's all they do they can easily afford loadouts so idk why they bitch
  4. +1 @Gnashes said no to me and to just go play King of the hill cause him and his buddies want to do nothing about it
  5. if I made it from very beginning of me killing someone my video would be 10 mins long? are you that challenged in the brain? but thanks for feedback <3
  6. yeah I did it fill the vid not gonna lie but I needed space on the pc so ill take the -2 out 10 thanks tho guys <3 n plus everyones doing that nowadays xD
  7. well who knows this might be my last montage since everyone else is leaving hopefully asylum and arma changes? IDC if you do not like the song chose or my performance in this video (comment all you want) but in the mean time I chose this song cause a few years from now most of us will look back and say " wow I did waste all that time playing arma 3 and reaching that 2k hours just to get accepted into some gang" time will tell if Spidey should move on or not till then I will keep crawling hope you enjoy and for those hardcore arma pc gamers please be sure to go outside and don't be a couch potato
  8. why hasn't server updated yet?
  9. UpDaTe SeRvErS pLz
  10. lol I only bumped it cause I uploaded it at a very late time xD
  11. rat *cough cough*
  12. fuck those serious tages lets show some funny clips CARTEL TAGE COMING SOON just gotta kill some more "high tier" players caugh caugh
  13. SpooderGuy

    EXILE <3

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